Normal is this in Moscow…

IMG_20141211_101804I have found it interesting in my 9 years here in Russia, that normal in the Moscow area is clouds, rain and or snow. It is just dreary and that is normal…

Our village is not that way and it is sunny and or clear half of the time, but Moscow, is just a cloudy place and when the sun does shine everyone is out and about…

The image to the right, is what I see constantly in Moscow. I am not complaining, for I would have it no other way. Otherwise it would not be Moscow, nor Russia…

I was looking through pictures that I have taken over the years today and realized that 90% of them are dark and dreary. Then it struck me that is the norm and I can not change that. Therefore, if you need sunny weather all the time, then Moscow may not be your cup of tea…

You can understand better why Sveta likes to go to Tunisia or Turkey and swim twice a year in warm, sunny weather… (here)

A long winter has set in and it is snowing everyday now. Just means it is Christmas to me and I love Christmas. Have a good day, Boza and I are going shopping and get some delicious goodies to munch on, maybe we will find a cat to chase…

Now you now a little more about Russia…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…