Skillet Black Bread n Chicken Recipe…

A few years ago, I tried a dish out on Sveta and found out that she simply loved the concept of what I did. I am a huge fan of what I call skillet dinners and they simply are just delicious and easy to clean up after. This recipe is a simple and nutritious meal that will feed four people, and I would serve it family style, in fact serve it with forks stuck into it and no plates. Eat like uncivilized people and keep the cleanup to a minimum…


grassrussian100-150 grams of chicken breast, chopped…
1 big fat onion, chopped…
1 big fat carrot, sliced…
1 big fat sweet red or yellow pepper, chopped…
1 fresh garlic clove, diced…
Grass as much as you like… (Image to right is what Russians refer to as grass!)
two eggs…
salt n pepper to taste…
four cups of water, to start…
loaf of black bread unsliced…

Lets make this thing:

Take big non stick skillet or oil a big cast iron skillet or just do what ever makes you happy…

Turn stove on medium heat and just toss the chicken, carrot, onion, garlic, red or yellow pepper – or both, lots of grass (No, more grass than that! No, more… Good :),) water and two eggs (no shells please,) salt and pepper to taste, all into the skillet…

No, I did not say put the bread into the skillet yet. Take that bread out and wait on the bread. Also quit stirring the eggs in, leave them alone. Please just do the above and walk away for 15 minutes after you put a lid on it. You cook it all together and let the eggs harden at least half way through. See now that was easy…

Now stir the whole mess and mix well. You should have hard white eggs and yellow yolk pieces mixed all around. Good job…

Cook skillet mixture until chicken is done. The rest does not matter how done it is. Then if need be, add water. Runny is the key to success. Add more water please. The more water, the more bread you can add…

Yes, now add the bread to the boiling mixture on the stove top. ripping chunks off by hand. Big or small who cares. It will cook down and become a beautiful tasty dish in a half hour. Oh, do not use the whole loaf, for that is a lot of bread, just saying, unless you desire to…

Stir bread in and walk away as the heat builds up again, with lid on it…

I saw that! You need more bread and quit tasting it all the time. Yes, add more pepper and salt…

Do not stir unless you have to. No!

Pull the lid off and allow the skillet to fry the bottom of the mixture and try to cook it until it almost burns, actually it is pretty good burned lightly and I do it on purpose…

It is done and you can eat and enjoy, but I like to take some tricks from other CIS countries and create a magnificent delight. Before pulling off stove you can also: add four eggs on top with some fresh butter, not stirred in… Or layer cheese to melt down into as it finishes cooking… Or both, as is Sveta’s and my favorite way…

Serve when the cheese and eggs are done…

Yes next time make a bigger skillet full, for they ate it all, didn’t they? Yes it is a poor man’s meal, but you do not need to tell anyone that. It can be made very nicely with just chicken broth and they will still eat it…

Want to eat it Russian style? Dob sour cream on top of it…

Enjoy, we do…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

PS: Black Bread people! Not that white bleached tasteless stuff, Black bread