Russia and Only Russia Suffers? Net…

crash bang
Currencies of the world are all going down against the dollar…

Main Stream Media News (MSM) in its “fair and balanced reporting (~sarc~);” Is reporting that in the previous weeks has concentrated just on the monetary death of Russia, as it reels from the drop in oil price. There has been nothing said, literally, about the other oil exporters like Britain, Canada, Norway, Venezuela, Indonesia, Libya, Iraq, and/or Saudi Arabia, which can’t in any way, shape or form keep up their nearby economies over the long haul at current value levels. There is some internal news in those countries telling of the woes and death throes, but for the general situation, the MSM from the west has ignored the trillions of dollars in debt from fracking trouble and other oil debt trouble, all over the world. This is just so that they can demonize Russia…

This is while even western countries are sinking faster and faster everyday…

This information, actions, and priorities alone, lets me know that the oil business sector is as politically affected and organized (i.e. fixed and controlled) as the monetary markets and being used as a weapon against Russia, even as this weapon is killing the so-called ally countries in the west…

Now that is a perfect example of, “With friends like that who the hell needs enemies!”

Besides the ruble is back to 60 as you read this…

The attacked failed and all it did was to create more enemies for the west and some of those new enemies are, previous allies…

Time to stop demonization of Russia. Seriously, we do not eat babies in Russia, but my Russian friends are starting to learn to hate America…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…