Happening in Russia?

What is happening in Russia? Good question and I am glad you asked…

China and Russia signed a deal to build the longest continuous railroad in the world. It travels from Moscow to Beijing and will cost 240 + billion dollars. This deal signed at the same time that China and Russia signed the oil gas deal worth 400 + billion dollars. I guess China and Russia decided that the west could only handle the oil/gas deal and would pop a cork over both deals. Kinda sad to think the west would possibly do that. Just think, a 5 day trip turned into 30 hours by railway. Time to travel to China when done…


The Kremlin awarded the building of the huge project to China Railway High-speed (CRH), a subsidiary of the state-controlled China Railway (CR). They will work with the local firm Uralvagonzavod after deciding to drop the French company, Alstom, after France has shown that they are unreliable…

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Looks like Iran will get the way past due S300 missile systems and in my eyes they should get the upgraded S400 to compensate for being treated badly by Russia. Russia was wrong and I have said so many times. This should never have happened and I think that Russia is understanding, the hard way, about the treacherous American ways in life…

Once again Russia; do not trust America or the west for any reason, what so ever…

Once again Russia; do not stab friends in the back, like you did Iran…

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Ukraine wants to declare war upon Russia. A member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Sergei Pashinsky, who chairs the Parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense, announced Kiev’s desire to impose martial law in the East Ukraine and declare war on Russia. According to the Sergei , the decision though made, but then postponed for financial reasons…

Yes, there is that money issue in Ukraine! Seems lack of funding stands in the way of war progress and annihilation of Russia. I am glad for I live in Russia and I really like Ukraine staying on their side of the border… 🙂

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The stupid award goes to Obama. For he showed his ignorance at the State of the Union Address, 2015…

“Today, it is America that stands strong and united with our allies, while Russia is isolated, with its economy in tatters,” Obama said.

“We’re upholding the principle that bigger nations can’t bully the small — by opposing Russian aggression, supporting Ukraine’s democracy, and reassuring our NATO allies,” Obama added.

Did he really make such stupid statements?

Yes he did…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…