First; last week DHS attacked…
IP Address (click for more detail): Hostname: Country: US AS: 15147 AS Name: DHSINETNOC – DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY,US Network: (
Then TSA attacked… Through Germany…
- ( 0 ms
- 15. ( 1 ms
- 16. ( 4 ms
- 17. ( 6 ms
- 18. (
Data ns5.dhs.GOV. dnssec1net.cbp.dhs.GOV. 2006104246 10800 1080 604800 900 –; this is final set of IPs before being sent through Germany in multiple ways. These IPs are a full range of just one set of IPs that TSA uses…
I have dozens of different IP ranges and they all always lead back to DHS, which as far as I can tell even TSA leads ultimately back to DHS. Makes sense in a sick society way…
Evil Russians vs the good guys…
The above article link seems to have set them off into a frenzy and I seem to have hit the nail with that one. There are several more before that, that are upsetting them also, but this particular article above, has set their frilly panties on fire…
It gets old after awhile!
The land of the free-less and the home of the scared rabbits is constantly after what I say. They can not disrupt me with comments as they do big news sites, for I moderate all comments. They can only denial-of-service (DoS) or distributed denial-of-service DDoS attack, and we all know that America would never abuse the internet, Right?
So for now, our host is taking a beating and they are trying to deal with the attack. Several times we are left not even able to get into our own site, but that is just okay, for DHS and TSA and the government of America, just plain sucks…
Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…