Therefore, Russia is the distraction whilst China takes over…

cup of steaming coffeeI said awhile back that China and Russia were dancing the same dance and holding hands, as they instilled a new world order, Eastern style. I expounded on this by explaining that Russia was the bodyguard and China was the financial boss. It is an equal opportunity situation for both and makes total sense, when balanced with the Western Empires desire for complete conquest of resources, finances, and life on the planet…

The whole kit and caboodle jelled together this last week, as Putin intentionally slipped quietly away, but never away, from the western eyes and ears. The west became infatuated at “Where is Waldo Putin?”, and what is he up to?

This was a distraction, while China finalized some very important issues and if you do not know what they (Chinese) have been doing, then search and learn. The bait was hung from a tree limb over the water and the guppies leaped and leaped as they tried to get a bit of that delicious treat hanging from the tree limb…

The East has finally started bombardment back and the West is going to find that their ammunition (finances) is almost gone, but the East has been building bunkers full of ammo (with little debt,) for many years now…

A few days ago Britain became the first US ally (?) to join the Chinese, Shanghai based investment bank, the west ignored and didn’t even make a big deal. Now that Germany, France, and Italy have joined, with many more to follow. The screams, threats, and whines of, “Don’t leave!!!!”, are echoing through the halls, as pressure to obey the Master, is common against the world. Why even israel is being threatened with sanctions now. The darling apple of the west has become a target…

What is that saying?

“The rats are jumping ship!”

Therefore, Russia is the distraction whilst China takes over…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia