The Only Warning I Will Give…

cup of steaming coffeeHaving grown up in the U.S. and having killed many for Uncle Sam and having helped enslave lessor people all over the world, many times, for the USA. I will say only one time and one time only…

If you are Russian and living in the U.S., you better watch your back, for between the Rednecks, Leftists, Rightist, Upists and Downists and even the governmental organizations, your days of freedom, liberty, and rights is coming to a close. Not that you ever had any, it is just that, you will be gathered up, sooner than later (Most likely in your lifetime.) I know this, for I have helped do just such gathering when I lived in the U.S. and it will come from nowhere, when it happens. For Russians are now marked and the government has giving up support for Russians within or without the borders of America. You should have been a Mexican…

America is at war with Russia, declared war, both fiscal and as soon as possible, ground war. Lets hope the game is only ground war, but since America will lose a ground war against Russia, nukes will have to come out from hiding and be used…

The inhabitants of the land of the free (the ones who are patriotic and real Americans, ~Sarc~) will tell on you, they will watch you, they will fear you, they will stab you in the back, they will talk about you, they will, Yes they will! They are not friends and that is a non-functioning statement in America. Friends is a misnomer…

Just as the fake smiles are in America, that you meet daily…

Just as terrorists is a word to fear, Russia and entities within, have been declared a terrorist country by the U.S. and therefore, you must anonymously tell, when you see a Russian, for they are a terrorists…

I woke last night and it dawned on me that if you are Russian and if you think that your neighbor loves you? Think again, for you are targeted, and this is the same that has happened in America many times…

America, run by fanatics and you (Russians) are the target, they are working on the public now and if you join them, well that is all good for you. But accepting the lies makes you worthless…

Have a nice day, for I have my set of issues to deal with. For Russia is a reciprocal visa country and from what I am seeing, America is getting ready to shut down all visas for Russians. That means the same happens automatically for Americans in Russia…

This is no longer anything like the Soviet era war games. This is a whole new set of rules and this time it is for the goal. Time is running out. It is all for the world, for the winner rewrites the history and controls all resources. Money is nothing, resources are everything and resources are starting to run out…

Just look at water (H2O) and you see the answer…

Never say you were not warned…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

PS: America is not the country now that you think it is and it never has been and never will be. The old America is gone (and it was bad enough,) God rest her soul! All hail the new America!

Or Die!