I was sent a book…

indexMedia Trolls,Technology Shamans and Diabolical Political, Economic and Military Demons:

Over the years I have been proud to post articles by John Stanton, his articles have a truth that is not found in many places anymore and his background is exceptional on national security and political matters. He taught a course on national security for nine years at a private school. His commentary has been carried by radio, television and the world wide web. John’s works are cited in scores of publications relating to national security issues. Visit “academia.edu” for more information on what he has done…

He has several books to his credit and he has even tried to send me a book in the past and it never was received on this side of the world. Therefore, I had no inkling of a notion that as he tried to send his latest book to me from America to Russia, that it would even get here at all. Thus, when it came in the mail and was undamaged, I was surprised and overjoyed. So much that I sat down that very night I opened the package and read his book from beginning to end…

Here is what he says about the book as it is posted on Amazon and the links below what he says are to Amazon and no, I do not and am not selling his book for any personal gain on my part, but if you bought it, he would appreciate such a notion on your part. The links are non affiliate and the first link is set up to allow you to read some of the book… (I will give my opinion below the excerpt…)

Within these pages is a collections of essays written over the course of 2014. They were carried by a number of online publications: Cryptome, Pravda, the Sri Lanka Guardian, Dissident Voice, Scoop, CounterPunch, Intrepid Report and Windows to Russia. Obviously these publications are not mainstream media nor in the lofty class of new media like the Intercept or Buzzfeed. And that’s just fine as the audience-base for these websites is not only niche-American locales, but other geographic locations like Asia, Canada and South America. The pieces that appear in the CounterPunches of the world are generally written by all “submitters” for no compensation; that is, they take time out of their “pay days” to write about matters that make them toss and turn at night. Those sleepless nights revolve around trying to convince those who will read/listen that the powerful–taking form, as say, technologists, pundits and political leaders–are clearly leading humanity on a long doomsday path. The evidence is visible: In the USA and Europe by the not so subtle global covet/overt operations to overthrow “elected” governments like Ukraine and Egypt, with the long view to usher in regime change in Russia and China. The return to expanding nuclear weapons capability in the USA and Russia. The implementation of crushing Austerity programs even as, in the USA, infrastructure degrades. But maybe the negativity I and others express is equally misguided as humanity is now on the cusp of re-engineering itself through genetics and bio-engineering. The properly redesigned human could likely survive well in a world of scarcity, one ravaged by climate change and war. But what would the next-generation humans do with older models like us? The title of this book refers to Trolls, Shamans and Demons. We listen uncritically to them all at our own collective peril. If we don’t listen we hideout in our favorite TV show, video game, chat room or fasten the head phones on to drown them out. We choose to hide from them and now each other. What’s to come?

Have a look inside? Link below…


Buy the book? Link below…


Good book and with exceptions it has all been printed on Windows to Russia in the past year of 2014, thus I have very little to say, except that you should read it. Most likely, I have succeeded in posting more of these articles of his, than some of the bigger publications. I believe in his work and care about what he has to say…

For some reason I have accepted John Stanton into my small world of trusting a person. I have very few humans that I trust and I think that he maybe much the same type of person as I am. It has taken a long time, of simple one line e-mails and simple thoughts, with thank yous and such. But I now am very appreciative of his allowing me to post his works. For I realize as with my writings, that they (his writings) are very important to him as Windows to Russia is to me…

The book; the book is about what could be and what is. I see his thoughts as facts and yet I always see comments on his writings from people who try to degrade his thoughts. They never have anything but hate and vile and I realize that he sees what is happening and is attacked accordingly. His articles have been some of the biggest page viewed articles that I have and China loves his works. I know, they flock to his posts in huge numbers and I get e-mails as comments to express what they feel about him. The Chinese do not comment on the blog, for they do not wish to be attacked by Western Trolls as they have in the past. That makes me sad and that is a real example of what John talks about in his book…

You should read the book and if you have an open mind, think about what he has written…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…