Laundry Day; of course it rains…


Last year we bought a small simple washing machine. I put it to use today and cleaned all my nasty dirty clothes, then after I was done and happy with the results and half the clothes almost dry…. Mother Nature decided a flash thunderstorm is in order and flooded the place…

I guess that is good for now my clothes are rinsed very well, but they will not be dry until tomorrow now…

The little machine does a great job and having air dried clothes brings back helping my grandma do laundry, she hung everything out on the lines outside, no matter what the season was…

Of course as you see in the image, Boza helps me do the laundry, his job is to stand in the path and get in the way. He does a great job at doing just that… 🙂

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The neighbor up the hill from me plays his music loud and proud every night. He likes to enliven the village as he presumes and in fact, his music is great, it is old Russian folk music 90% of the time. It is part of what makes the village the village and I would have it no other way…

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This is the old dormitory of the original female monastery. They are getting ready to rebuild it and turn it back into rooms like it was originally. It also housed blind and deaf kids, when during the Soviet times it was a school. They say it was in good shape for many years, until a fire broke out and burned it down. Though the walls are over three feet thick of brick, so the fire did not bother the main structure. Just the floors and roof…

I am looking forward to them starting on this building, I know that this building will be one of the easiest buildings to rebuild…

The monastery has just about removed all remains of the school. It seems to be a very important issue for the Orthodox church to make sure that only the original buildings and or foundations are left of the female monastery. Anything associated with the schools that were here are razed and destroyed…

I find that interesting…

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Well that is it for now, the rain has stopped and Boza and I will take a walk. The sun popped back out and it looks to be a beautiful evening. Have a nice day…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…