Cold, wet, broken finger, wind, & no electricity…

I set it with Popsicle stick, used a bee venom and ant acid ointment. Then wrapped and repeat once a day. The swelling is already gone, but I have to be careful to not re-break the healing stage…

Had to hibernate for the last few days. The bottom fell out of the temperature, thunderstorms constantly, electricity down for the most of two days, I broke my left pointing finger (rebuilding the front gate and caught my finger in a tensioned wire twist) and I got very sick with fever also. Therefore, I feel much better at this moment and Boza and I are going to take a long walk. It is still raining slightly, but the sky is much brighter and less dense with clouds, that means life is good… 🙂

The worst thing was not all the above, it was the winds that became relentless while all the above was happening. The winds became harder and harder, which caused the temperature to feel colder and colder. That is what got me and once chilled, I was in trouble. Broken fingers is part of my life, as I have broken many a finger, or should I say, “I have broken more than 50 bones in my life, for I have been full of rambunctiousness all my life!”

Last year if you remember, I drove a nail almost all the way through my right foot. I guess I have to do something every time I am down here, for if you remember also, a few years ago, I burned my belly really bad with a grease fire. It still is trying to finish healing after all these years. I have to say that I have a permanent huge scar on my belly from that incident…


Just another acquisition in my normal life on this planet. The balm above is the best stuff I have ever come across and Sveta is the one that found it for me. She bought me three tubes of it and boy am I glad she did…

Well Boza and I are going to take a walk. He has been short shifted lately, because I was not able to go anymore than a few minutes at a time. He is a good boy and tries his best to understand, so he deserves a long walk today. I have on three long sleeve shirts, long underwear, wool pants, coat, hat and gloves. Boza has his fur coat on, so we are set to go…

Have a nice day, for we sure will…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…