Huge storm Last Night and it…

coffee-timeShredded our apple trees, like a small cyclone tore through them. The roof and front birch trees are doing good, but the garden area, got literally twisted into a mess. Therefore, today I will be cleaning the side yard and trimming up the damage. I will see what I can save and repair. I already had to do major surgery to one apple tree a month ago (it weathered the storm just fine) and it looks like another apple tree is needing help today. The baby birds were all out early and chattering in my window. They seemed to be upset and I found out why, some of their nests have been blown away to the ground. I guess, I will see what I can do about putting the nests back… (I need to build birdhouses and put them all over the yard!)

Speaking of baby birds; Boza keeps an eye and or an ear on the little guys. I also notice he keeps his nose in action also. Last night before the storm hit, Boza got upset, sniffed the air and wanted outside. He kept growling and doing what I call, “Oof oof oof oof!” So I went out with him and in about two minutes he tracked something under the cherry trees. Then as Boza went under the trees, boom and screech out comes a cat, running for its life. Boza caught the cat trying to stalk our little birds. That just will not do, for these are Boza’s birds and no one will bother them… πŸ™‚

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Another Story: About the Duck…

Speaking of birds; Boza and I last year had a special duck that Boza loved to chase and they became actual friends in a way. (Duck) Well the duck is back and I know you are asking how I can tell?

Number one, the duck always swooped at Boza as we walk along the lake, they actually played. Number two, the duck is male and has no mate either last year or this year. Number three, he quacks when he sees Boza…

I call him “Gay Duck” and Boza knows the name and will be on the alert for him. (Dual purpose name, I guess you could say.) Gay Duck watches for Boza and when he sees Boza, he quacks and quacks and quacks. Boza knows the sound he makes, for he ignores other ducks quacking…

Well to make a long story short; Gay Duck has not shown himself this year, until a few days ago!

Down the middle of the lake swam a duck, a mallard and he was all by himself. Boza stood upon the highest spot looking over the lake and was watching the duck. I did not think anything about it, for I really figured that Gay Duck was killed during hunting season last year. πŸ™

Therefore, I was trying to take pictures of eagles, when all of a sudden Boza took off straight toward the lake and I heard a quaking to beat the band. I saw a duck flying straight across the surface of the water and coming right at Boza. It shot upwards as it reached the shore and Boza started to jump and jump and jump. The duck came up the hill just above Boza’s head and the two crested the hill at full speed. Boza tried to fly and it looked like the duck tried to run and betwixt them both they succeeded in a hilarious dance as they ran in circles…

Then it hit me; It was “Gay Duck” and he is back and alive… πŸ™‚

Now Boza runs to the edge of the lake in the morning and looks for his buddy…

It is strange actually, this duck is always alone and all over the lake is pairs of ducks and actually I am seeing baby ducks now in most lakes around. This duck swims the middle of the lake and always alone; he just goes back and forth for hours…

But I do know one thing, he has a friend in Boza and Boza likes to run and play with his duck buddy…

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Well I have just too much to do, thus I will leave you with an image I took. It is the best so far of my eagle images, not good but my best…

eagle bad dude

They are magnificent birds and I am very lucky to have the ability to watch them. Yesterday, I saw five huge eagles flying together and then five smaller birds flying with them. It did not dawn on me what the smaller birds were, but as they got closer, I realized that the five smaller birds were full grown hawks… 😐

The contrast was significant, I have images of these hawks and now I had a comparison to associate with in my mind. The eagles were twice as big as the hawks and these hawks are twice as big as a raven and ravens are actually a huge bird. Especially our ravens…

It has to be mating season, for twice now, I have seen groups of these predator birds, which are very territorial and one such group, the other day, had over twenty hawks flying together…

Life and nature is just amazing and I thank God everyday for being able to enjoy it…

Post by Kyle Keeton
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