You should be worried…

please-stand-byYou should be worried about countries that declare Russia is the main threat and all the while throw sticks, stones and verbal abuse themselves at other countries, as if they are looking for a fight to justify their existence…

Yes, you should be worried about the mental health of such a country!

Do you know of a country like that?

I do…

“My assessment today is that Russia poses the greatest threat to our national security,” Gen. Dunford told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee in a hearing to consider his nomination to be the next chairman of the joint chiefs. “if you look at their behavior, it’s nothing short of alarming.”

Funny and not ha ha funny; how we can put the term America in place of Russia and have a truthful statement…

America is a sick country and we are not trying to cure what ails it, we just feed and allow it to grow even more ill everyday…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…