Forgot to take my pills and other Coffee thoughts…

Today is get back on track day…

Dropped Sveta off late last night to the train station and by the time I got home to the village, I was so tired, I forgot to take my pills. This morning as I struggled to get up and things were messed up, in and out of body. I sipped two cups of coffee, walked the dog, wrote a small article and took my morning pills. Now an hour later, life is back on track and going good. My heart is acting happy, my brain is as good as it will ever get (?) and the monster birds are all over the yard; in fact one just smacked into the window in front of me as I am writing and I had to go out to see if it was okay? It is and after a few moments of drunk stumbling, it squawked at me, as if it was my fault and went to get a worm somewhere…

So it is wind the clock, feed the dog, feed myself, write posts, clean dishes, sweep the floor, gather water and twenty other things. Then at one point I will read, most likely while it rains today. For reading is very important and I have a good sci-fi book I am working on…

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The female eagle is very active right now and I saw an interesting thing yesterday when Sveta and I was walking. The male and female were flying together over the lake, then the male started to scold the female and in a second flat, after his scolding, she bee-lined straight back to the nest. I mean she took off and did not swoop around, she just bee-lined back. Fast…

The male tried to fish and while he did catch a big fish, I guess he was doing the catch and release program; for he dropped the fish back in the water. Then he swooped away in lazy circles and disappeared out of sight…

The interesting thing is that he, who is much smaller than the female, really scolded her and she took right off. For if you remember the other day, she destroyed a huge hawk, almost as big as her husband and made it look easy. I hope for his sake that it was an emergency at the nest, for he could get his butt kicked by this girl…

For you know; he even dropped the fish…

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In the next few days, I am going to start fencing the back of our land. Sveta helped me and we cleared a big mess of cherry trees, terrible cherries and I have it lined out to dig and install several new posts and and will get 80 meters of fence installed. That way Boza can stay in the yard, when I go to town and guard the yard, as he can not get out at that point. I just worry that he will decide to check out something and while that is okay, he is not a street dog and will get possibly hit by a car. He just does not understand cars and such…

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Sveta says this is a good image and I need to post it, so I will post it. ???


She said something about, her guys, working on the car, how wonderful, Boza with daddy, boys doing what boys do, and a bunch of other stuff… 🙂

Oh and yes, I have rebuilt the right mudflap, I did the left one last year…

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sammy the volgaSammy the Volga is in excellent shape, well if you exclude the body rust. The drive line is solid (knock on wood,) and ready for the winter. I am staying here all winter, after a month back in Moscow during the October and November time frame. I have to leave Russia for a few days and go to Estonia to do some business, then Sveta and I will do some final pre-Winter gathering of supplies. I want to get a rototiller for one thing. Next year the garden is going to be big…

new fence
See, fence today; first 20 meters…

It is time to make the village home a permanent home also…

This winter I will evaluate what is needed to make the home more comfortable for Sveta. Insulation in the attic, indoor sink and hot water heater, is fireplace good enough (?), etc etc etc…

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Sveta’s visit was wonderful, just what Boza and I needed to keep us happy. It will most likely be two months or so before she comes back, she is talking about spending time with her mother and going on a vacation to her son’s wife’s family and learning to ride horses. She also has a new bicycle and wants to take a excursion ride with a group to see the countryside around Moscow. I support her in whatever she does and hope she does everything she desires. Believe me, I am in heaven rebuilding the village farm area and that means, I am getting ready to rebuild the chicken coop and get the back area ready for at least a goat or two. Nothing, I mean nothing is better than goat’s milk to drink or use in coffee and I am dreaming right now of coffee with goats milk as the creamer… 🙂

I think I will go put up some fence today…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…