Oh the isolation of Russia is terrible… (~SARC~)


Coffee-iconNot long ago China and Russia started a visa free program. If five people or more want to travel to China as a group from Russia, then they do not need a visa; and I am not sure if that is vice a versa? This program with China is the basics for a visa free Russia and India, except India only cares if it is three people, then no visa. Thus, a basic family of mom, dad and child can go to India with no visa issues…  (Here)

Then the call for visa free BRICS has come forth and that looks like it will happen, soon…

Then I became sad, for I am watching the reversal of the world power structure and I happen to be sitting on the wrong side of the future passport freedom affair…

Instead of Russia being isolated, as even our president of the U.S. says; “Well, today, it is America that stands strong and united with our allies, while Russia is isolated, with its economy in tatters.” – Obama quote…

If you could be in my shoes, then you would see how pathetic of a statement that Obama made and he even made it with a straight face. So that tells me something and tells me I was correct all those years ago, about what I thought about Obama. Russia is thriving and less isolated than at any time in modern history…


Everyday America becomes more isolated and Russia becomes more centre stage in world affairs. The process of peaceful negotiations has finally overridden the hate and warmongering from the west. The lies and deceit by the west is coming home to roost…

The call for boycotting the west is become a growing entity amongst the calls for world freedom from western pressure. America has lost its grip and they never saw it coming, for self-assuredness is a deficit not a advantage…

Things are changing…

But, But…

You know you have become second fiddle when your U.S. CIA sponsored ISIS is endangered of being killed off and you have to either go along with it or admit that they are your peeps…

And that would be worse than the slap in the face you just got as your bluff is called. Bullies have a limited life span and thank god for that…

It is what I think and have a coffee…

Post by Kyle Keeton
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