Big Village was busy…

CaptureTrip to the Big Village, was timed perfect. I got back yesterday and it started to snow and has not stopped since. I am not sure I could make it through for now and will have to see if the Fish Village plows our roads for us, as they promise to do. I won’t lay any money on that happening, but; they do have the equipment and are able, is the desire there… 🙂

Vova was feeling sick and I picked up Kefir to help him, it seems even he admits too much home made brew and he needs to clean out his system. I drink Ryazhenka, another popular Russian sour milk like yogurt…

I also got him four loaves of bread, a carton of cigarettes and other stuff. Yes he looked terrible when I dropped it off and I thought to myself; He looks as bad as I feel!

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The Big Village was packed! It is winter holidays and the kids are out of school. The town was closed since New Year and nothing at all was open. Now I am here to tell you that most everything is still closed, but what is open; is packed and nuts…

The big grocery store just opened yesterday and the people were lined out the doors to get food. I felt sorry for the workers; they were still hung over and they all had that sunken black eyed look from too much good times. The babushkas were out in force and they wanted their food items and they wanted them now. Magnet the biggest store, had three huge double trailer trucks sitting outside to unload supplies and in general it was a nightmare. I gathered what I could and went on to the next big store…

At Petorska it was worse. The babushkas had gathered up in teams of three or four and were driving the employees to an early grave. I have talked about these vicious babushkas in Moscow in the past and in a village they are tougher yet. The only thing that I found not in stock was bananas and that was because they do not last very long. Everything else was available and I fulfilled my shopping list. I even found some extra goodies to make better treats with on a long winter day… 😉

Driving through the Big Village was not easy, the babushkas and dedushkas all had decided that today we did not have to watch for cars. The old women and old men just walk straight lines to were they wanted to go and heaven forbid you hit someone. I have to say that it was -20 and colder, so I can not blame them. I am sitting in a car and can wait…

My favorite pie shop was closed, so I did not indulge in meat pies, but the pet store was open and after waiting in a line of twenty people, I picked up four boxes of Boza food. I saw she had three more, so I will go back next week and get more. I turned around to leave and there had to have been twenty more in line behind me… Oh Well!

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IMG1232AOur river is frozen solid and with that the bridge is being torn up. But I watched the people coming to church and they just walk across the frozen river now. The image shows the middle of the bridge collapsed and frozen solid in the water. The ice is about a foot thick and you almost could drive upon it, I am sure…

I told you it has been bitterly cold and we have to be careful…

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I woke last night and at first I thought Sveta was there. I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and there was someone next to me. Someone snoring…

My head was foggy from sleep and it took me a second, Boza had sneaked up in bed during the night. I put my feet down and found out why. The floor was freezing, the wood stove was out and it was -25 Celsius outside. (It is -22 right now at 10 a.m.) That is -8 to -10 F for some of you! He was cold and snoring like a freight train in my ear. That is how I knew it was not Sveta, she does not snore… 😉

So I could not get grouchy with him, you gotta do what you gotta do to stay warm! Right?

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Well time to go. Boza and I need to walk and get some exercise. Then I have some internet business to do and then I am trying to salvage a Windows tablet. Does not look good, but I will accomplish something, even if I have to install Linux on it and tell Windows to stick it! Windows 10 destroyed the tablet and it has not been right since the update and Windows nor the tablet manufacturer take blame… Blah Blah Blah time and time again…

Have a nice day…

Kyle and Boza in the Tiny Russian Village…
Windows to Russia…