No play Sunday today!

Coffee-iconIt is going to get brutally cold by tonight, looks like it might hit -30 out here in the wilderness. I have to stack wood and shovel two feet of snow that fell last night. Boza decided that it was not fit for man or beast this morning and after taking a pee at the nearest fence post, hightailed it back to the front door and waited for me to catch up. Boza is now sound asleep on my side of the bed and has decided that this Sunday is a day for rest… 😉

The reason it is going to get really bad is that we have a southern warm front moving in and it is building all the north frigid air up in a ball right above our heads. In fact I feel that it might actually get colder than -30 tonight (my body tells me -35 C (-31 F) at least,) so I have to have lots of wood inside, to keep the fire going all night. Then after tonight is done, tomorrow will slowly warm up and it will actually hit 0 degrees on Tuesday, before flopping back to -18 on Wednesday. Damn roller coaster…

Therefore, when the daylight hits, I will be busy until dark comes again. That is quick here in the Tiny Russian Village and I need to get it all done. I have learned to rely upon my internal feelings and tonight is going to be a bad night for man or beast. With the wind blowing as hard as it does, it may just test the abilities of the home tonight. This is good, for I need to know what to fix for next year and Sveta has sent me some ideas and they are the same as we use to do on the farm. Build a barrier around the home. We use to use bales of hay to insulate the homes in the Midwest as I grew up…

Fortify the home
Fortify the home

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I am going to break out a package of chicken breasts today. I decided it is time to make real chicken soup and try to stave off a nagging cold I seem to be trying to develop. I think one whole chicken breast, two small onions diced up, a diced garlic toe and lots of salt and black pepper. I also have two big fat oranges and I may eat one tonight. I was trying to save them for Sveta, because she loves oranges and such…

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Well need to go. I still have to walk the dog, before I start all my work and I bet Boza will decided that sleeping while I work is the best option today… 🙂