Sveta found a snowshoe bargain…


Sveta worked a deal and bought me a set of snowshoes yesterday. She found a guy who bought these snowshoes new two years ago for their dacha and never used them. They are perfect for what I need and are an older style of a Canadian type snowshoe…

I found the same shoe online at and they run 1598 kroner, which is $231. Now that I would never pay, but; $50 was a deal. Sveta found the guy and got the shoes and sent me an image of the shoes. Now I think that this is my birthday gift for several years… 😉

Actually due to people sending donations to cover the $120 hosting fee for a year, we were able to have extra money to buy something of a necessity. Now that deserves a big thanks to all who have donated to keep Windows to Russia online. I also want to thank all the people who send e-mails of support and do not have the money to send. Everyone who reads is important, unless you wanna hate and threaten our lives. Therefore, thank you for any support given. I know money is tight all over the world…

In Russia these would be considered a hunting style of shoe and since most people here use skis, there are not too many snowshoes around. Russians from what I understand are trained in school to use skis and special walking/hiking skis are the norm…

I grew up with snowshoes…