It is over and the Fat Lady is singing…

tactical_coffee“It ain’t over till the fat lady sings!”

This is not just political claptrap when I say this: We are at war, this will escalate in the Middle East into a larger regional war. We may have a pause for a year, or maybe two years, then war in Korea, Sea of Japan, then Europe, then nukes…

That Fat Lady is finishing her song as you read this and how long she is able to keep that last musical note going is up to her…

We have analyzed to death the corruption leading up to this ignorance of existence. Yes, all wars are banker wars. So very few, truly deserve death in wars, but the majority like us, take those casualties. Get those dried and or canned beans, weapons and bullets, a way to purify water (bleach works,) to live off the land if need be. Make an effort to get to know your neighbors. If they have guns, remember such basic information for the future…

Vova has a double barrel shotgun; I know where he keeps it and I know where he keeps his shells for it. I must know and always know…

The nukes are going to fly within a few short years and then there will no time to prepare. Chance favors the prepared, nothing is guaranteed. Except a chance of redemption if we en-mass crush the stupidity we elect to office, and remove them. But since we elected that stupidity, we get what we deserve…

These new proposed war powers (WAR) means the politicians know a very large escalation is inevitable. Will it be used domestically for martial law? Probably; Will it be used to round up people? Yes, many if need be; There is a time to speak out against war, who causes it and why and then there is a time to merely make sure your family survives…

We all must start fighting; One can still fight for freedom locally in war, but one doesn’t have to be expressive with their mouth, one must be wise, knowledgeable and alert. You can be scared and still fight…

Governments will take no chances when the casualties start to mount after they beat back the resistance. No attempt to minimize casualties will be made. No attempt to defend the innocent will matter. Rule of law will finally be buried. The government has billions of rounds of ammunition for this very purpose. Most here have enough brains to know what that means…

Mankind will survive and come out the other side, rebuilding a republic, learning from the pain. It is worth for me and the ones close to me to attempt to survive.

Go for long walks, clear your mind and get your body in shape. Be prepared to fight if you must, for what and who you love. I want a safe and free world, but we have used the word freedom and perverted it to evil means and ways, but right now I have no real say in the outcome, but after the dust clears, that will change. My conscious is clear, I did what I could when I could and I am now going to take care of my family and friends here in Russia…

Having lived war, seen war and held men dying in my arms; I hate war with a passion, but people seem to be obsessed with war and killing…