Thank You; I was stunned today…

CaptureI have to thank several people for donations. One healthy donation in particular was sent for me to put towards a 4×4 truck that I mentioned a few posts ago. The other donations are from college students from all over the world. It seems that Windows to Russia is being used as a resource on Russia now and between students and displaced Russians and such, the blog is growing again. Now that is something to make me smile…

I have a bunch of years in this blog and it looks as if I will have a bunch more, if the world hangs together…

Vova and I just had lunch and his girlfriend as he calls her from Paniki, a village nearby, got two bags of food to him. Not easy, but they plowed the road on the other side of the river and they found a tractor to get to the river on that side. Vova made it there on skis, but he said, he was sick the rest of the day after he fought his way through the snow. Vova gave me a huge bag of food, to compensate for what I bought for him the other day. Now that is a friend…

Vova also told me that the people in Sisoy, where I went to get food, had caused a stink with the local government and wanted to know why the road on their side was not better plowed. What is that American to think about us? Vova got testy with admins from several villages and is asking for someone to get out here and plow us out. Vova also said that the people in Sisoy took pictures and some have ended up on the internet on personal blogs and an official admin website. I guess Boza and I are celebrities again…

He said he told everyone that there are two pensioners and one American living in the village and we can not get out without killing ourselves… 😉

I got pretty sick and that is why I did not post yesterday, but I feel much better today and now after an hour walk, lunch at Vova’s and a couple of cups of coffee. Life is starting to get sweet again…

Seriously; I want to thank each and everyone who has donated. The hosting is paid again for a year, the domain is paid again and now I have money sitting that will go strictly to getting a 4×4 truck. That is my next goal and I promise that if you stipulate what you want the money to go for, I will use it for that purpose… (Unless it is a bad purpose!)

Oh yes! It snowed a foot last night and it looks as if we will not be able to get out for another week again…