Democrat and Republican; fiasco, that happens constantly and consistently in the USA political circus…

I try!
I try!
It interesting to watch people split according to party lines! You know? Yes you know! For you are doing just such a thing right now as you post fake trash on Facebook, blogs, and or spout verbally for all to hear…

This is the split between Democrat and Republican; fiasco, that happens constantly and consistently in the USA political circus…

People get ugly, rude and disgusting over the non-difference between the two parties. But if you watch what people do, you would think that these political parties are on totally different planets in the universe. You would think that their party is Gods gift to the universe and anyone or anything falling outside of their party, is pond scum to be scooped away…

Therefore, since the Democrats and Republicans are on the same planet, we simply carry out the duty of ours to keep ourselves self regulated and segregated according to some belief. Even a political belief is good enough…

Even when those political beliefs are fabricated, manipulated and force fed by silver spoon to 99% of us…

If you are standing on a democrat and or republican platform? Then you are the problem and not the solution…

I call it, “My Devil is better than your Devil!”

Have a nice day…
