Western Freedom that we crow about…

roosterThis morning as I walked Boza and we watched the world wake up. A thought crossed my mind. It was again about freedom and the misrepresentation that we have instilled in the term freedom. We toss the word freedom around like we do the words hate, love, liberty, God and thousands of more…

The coffee is hot and perfect this morning and I decided to talk about a subject that is close to my heart. Freedom…

The reason I am thinking about this subject this morning is, “Free Windows 10!”

The reason that comes up again is this; Once again for the eighth time, I have had to hide a Windows Update, Update KB3035583 and Microsoft keeps trying to sneak it by me time and time again. They want to install, “Free Windows 10!”

There is the example of the epitome of western freedom. Having free shoved down my throat, whether I want it or not and that my friend is not free and or freedom…

Western Freedom that we crow about:

“OMG!” You yell at me, “What does that have to do with true freedom and the wonderful life we have in the US?”

Lots and first you have to have freedom and that you do not. Unless you call governmental oversight freedom…

Freedom as I have said many times is in the eye of the beholder. I expect freedom to be left alone and not have things good for or bad for me shoved down my throat. I desire to do what I want when I want and if I do not want Windows 10, then by God, I do not want Windows 10 and that is where the issue should stop…

This issue is a small version of what the US has done to countries such as Libya, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, and a whole bunch more. They did not desire freedom in the USA style, but by God they had freedom and democracy shoved down their throat, whether they wanted it or not. Fact Jack…

Well as an individual, I am having sneaky, underhanded, slight of hand and other things done to try to get me to download and install Windows 10. I do not want it, I tried it and I removed it. That is my right and my freedom to do so, but I do not expect to have to defend my right to remove with a constant effort to undermine my computer. It is my computer and what I do with it is my choice. Not Microsoft’s choice to shove “Free” down my throat…

Just like Libya as an example, was a well run, rich, stable country under Qaddafi, but we Americans allowed and let or government to kill the leader and destroy the country. Libya is a wasteland and ISIS has gone back there as they did to help America destroy Qaddafi. We shoved freedom, democracy and free right down their throats and then ran away after we destroyed the good life they had…

Oh get off your high horse; The life Libya has now is a hundred times worse than what they had and that is in anyone’s book. I swear America needs the same freedom shoved down their throats and I mean it. You would change your tune real quick if someone wiped your life away and left you living in the cesspool leftover and there was nothing you could do to stop them from doing it…

The freedom we crow about is not freedom, not free and not full of liberty. The freedom we have come to think as freedom is the freedom to have goodies and such, at a price that can not be refused, even if that price is “Free!”

Freedom, liberty and justice for all is not free and it does not hang around if you do not fight for it. We like our iPhone, Android phone and internet to the point that these items can be used to control our freedom, or else these items could stop working…

Freedom is not manipulating elections, stirring riots within the minorities and freedom is not being rich and famous…

We fear real freedom:

Seriously, I watched and have watched numerous videos and read articles about how terrible life could be without Capitalism, democracy and Freedom, Liberty and Justice for All. They use scare tactics to make the sheep cower, as they fear losing their internet and the fantastic freedom that iPhone gives them… 😉 They fear the loss of their freedoms…

So yes a simple freedom stealing issue like Windows 10, can get me upset and it should upset you. No fear, just anger and wanting to fight back. For if you allow those major theft of your rights and desires. We all lose…

You can start looking at what we (US) as a country does to other countries. Just like we are trying to do to Russia. Russia does not want USA style democracy, freedom and Liberty, much less the morals of the western society, shoved down their throats and be forced and expected to savior on the flavors of the western dross being handed freely to them…

I do not appreciate what the west is doing and I am a westerner by birth. So I will never let Windows 10 back into my life and will fight daily to keep it from happening. The same goes for having a fake form of democracy, capitalism and freedoms shoved down my throats. You may think the that life is free, it just is a life that is used as a control factor. For you are simply under the control of the ones who want it that way..

So as democracy as we know it is shove down another countries throat and cheer as they die by the millions and hate as we are told to hate, those damn pesky brown people, yellow people, red people and just people in general. Unless they are USA people…

There is more to freedom than social media worshiping and Glen Beck denouncing Trump

Oh did you know Windows 10 is free?

Just remember, “What goes around comes around!”