We leave early Sunday Morning after a coffee…

coffee-to-enjoyLast day in the village for a few weeks. It is snowing today and getting colder by the second. Looks like Old Man Winter wants me to remember him for all the fun we had this winter. But I will be back to see if he leaves the village alone after awhile. Got to leave Russia and get some business done…

It will be a busy few weeks in Moscow and I need to have a checkup by my doctor. There is a clinic near our Moscow home that has very good doctors and I need to go there to have a few issues checked out. Life is interesting, cure one thing and have another problem pop up to deal with… 😉

Svetochka, Boza and I took a drive yesterday and made it out of the village area. It looks good and we should not have any issues getting out, even if it snows and rains. We have good tires, it will stay above zero degrees and if we do get stuck, the Fish Farm guys are always willing to help pull us out, if need be…

Thus, tomorrow we hit the dusty snowy trail. After a coffee of course…

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I was raised that media was unbiased:

They were to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, even if it hurt feelings and caused issues. Media had a job to do and getting the truth out was the rule and expected. Never take sides and never lie. That was the media I grew up to believe in. A Journalist was a respected position, if not upsetting people a times, but truth hurts and respect was given to media, even if the truth hurt…

Now media in the mainstream of most of the world and definable in the western world. Is extremely biased and extremely controlled. Nothing is printed to give the truth, all is printed to use as propaganda and weapons against the evil of life. Even when that evil is made up by the western world. Now we have embedded the tactics and destroyed even the truth within America itself. Internally, you would think that true should rule, but the days of Clark Kent as a mild mannered reported and caring about the truth and justice for all (?). Is history and a journalist is just a puppet on rubber bands bouncing all around the place and lying to gather a paycheck. Truth has become the mother in-law who is a backseat driver who tells you to slow down and you tied her up and taped her mouth shut. And in most cases, she has been pushed out of the car at high speed over a bridge and no one looked back as she hit the earth far below…

Glee of being free of morals, truth and other interesting evils to curtail governments and corporations of destruction of our country, has become the norm. Writing pure lies and having it printed in major publications, is not only accepted, it is expected and desired. In fact telling the truth will not get you a job as a journalist anymore. Just the opposite…

As long as what you say feds the agenda of the wannabes, you are in like flint and have a job as long as you lie instead of telling the truth…

Western media is either presented as two ways;

1. Crickets chirping as it ignores all truth and facts…
2. A Screaming Fat Lady, as she expresses herself and does not shut up for weeks at a time…

Nothing between is desired for it might change the scenario and upset the balance to fight evil and demons and also fight the truth and not allow the public to really know what is going on. That is the part that you like, as you eat up lies like a puppy drinking milk from a saucer and then realize that milk gives it diarrhea. Oh Well… A puppy can not learn such issues and repeats over and over lapping up that milk. The milk which is not good for it and will always due to greed lap the milk up and then have diarrhea…

The big issue is that humans still give that puppy milk, time and time again, and they do it even when the puppy has issues drinking it. So we are our own plight…

You know when Clark Kent quits The Daily Planet because of journalist issues and he was the king of lying journalists, due to his Superman issues. (Maybe Peter Parker (Spider-man) is the King or maybe prince of lying journalists?) Then you know that the world has lost the journalist edge. Even Clark Kent refused to cover up anymore…

A spokesman for DC comics confirmed the departure: “This is not the first time in DC Comics history that Clark Kent has left the Planet, and this time the resignation reflects present-day issues – the balance of journalism vs. entertainment, the role of new media, the rise of the citizen journalist, etc.”

It is simple people!

When what you read is so far from the truth and you turn your back and or laugh about the way the truth has been bent and twisted to fit the agenda. Then again I will say. “We are the issue and the problem and if we do not start demanding truth and accountability! We will have nothing to get truth and accountability from or for!”

We need a Hippocratic Oath for Journalists and we need it now or they do not work again. If they refuse to abide by it…