Svetochka has a right to worry…

tug of war

tactical_coffeeI have a good handle on what bothers the Russians. I have a handle on what really bothers the Russians. Not the propaganda that you hear in the west and other news, but what gets to the Russians and makes them upset…

So when something such as (is announced!)

We have made a decision to create a new federal executive body within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, namely the National Guard,” the Russian president said Tuesday.

The National Guard “will be fighting terrorism, organized crime, all in close cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They will also continue to perform the functions which are currently carried out by riot police units, SWAT, etc.,” he added.

I look at this information and shrug, for I have been through it all and everything Russia does is old hat to me…

But I do say, “Russia is more like America everyday!”

Svetochka is upset and we talk about it…

This morning she was unhappy…

That the Russian government feels they need to have an elite group of police, for as most of the world knows; elite anything always leads to downgrading of freedoms…

I understand her concerns and I understand what happens when such programs are enacted. Sveta is correct to have a bad feeling in her stomach for such changes. At the same time I understand such changes are brought about by the people themselves and this action above is such a change. Terrorism is the calling card to stifling a countries people…

I know, I watched the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave; become a wasteland of liberty and rights, plus a freedom pit that everything fell into…

Svetochka has seen this about America and she does not want that to happen to her land, her home and her life of freedom, liberty and justice…

I explain to her what is happening and it makes me sad to see it happening slowly, just like in the west, for one day as in the west, the changes will happen too quickly for the people to keep up…

People do not understand from the west when I say and talk about how free I am in Russia. Freedom is perspective and from my perspective of course. But watching that freedom leave out the backdoor is from another front row seat that I have been able to procure and now watch it all happen again…

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Years ago Russia changed there cops from Militsiya to Politsiya; I said then that this was a crucial error and big damn mistake. Sveta feels that way also and everyday the feeling gets worse…

These are the areas that will hurt Putin and the governmental areas, not America and her meddling ways, not the EU and her games, but the internal changes that destroy the trust in the old ways. Change happens, but change has to be smart…

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I know why this is being done…

And I can not disagree totally with the decision. I am the epitome of war itself and know as with everyone like me; this is sometimes a necessary evil, but as with all evil, it will garner strength and get out of hand. Maybe not tomorrow, but before you know it in a few years, it become the albatross around everyone’s neck…

In this case this is the lessor of the two evils. The west is driving billions of dollars into Russia right now and paying for an uprising. Response has to happen, for once again, America tries to destroy those that do not toe the line and kiss her ass…

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The Russian people are smart and will see the truth better than the people in the western world. But there is always a handful of people who will rob your home for drug money and that is the people that the west tries to use to upset apple carts all over the world…

Svetochka has a right to worry…

She has seen terrible things happen to Russia and she misses her times in the Soviet Union. She had become fairly happy now with the status quo in Russia, when the status quo keeps changing due to outside, inside and games. Things get scary for all involved…

Too many things are changing too fast…

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Svetochka has a right to worry…