Now That Hurt The Budget…

indexYesterday, we went and bought a computer. A desk top computer to replace the one that had a heart attack and breathed its last a day or so ago. I have it up and running, but I still have much to do. It has a 320 gig hard drive, but…we have two 1tb drives that I have to figure out how to squeeze into the system…

That will give us 2.3 terabytes to allow Svetochka to save to her hearts content… 😉

Computer is made by DEXP; The Dexp Company was founded in 1998 in Vladivostok (Russia) by a team of skilled engineers. We started with professional system integration service for business and desktop PC assembling…


Nice computer and since assembled and built in Russia, a nice happy for poor people price also. I have almost shoehorned the two large drives into it and I do have one up and running. The other is going to take a special SAS to SATA cable and with that I can also upgrade the DVD/CD. Then Svetochka has a friend at work who has lots of computer stuff and she will try to see if he has at least one memory stick for the system we have. It has a 2gb stick, but will hold up to 8gb and I installed Windows 8.1 64bit and it is just simply borderline with only 2gb of RAM…

Aliexpress has, it if I need to get it and it is not available anywhere else for us. I need it before I leave for the village again…

I find it an interesting computer; it looks like a big tower computer, but everything inside is from and made for laptops. Everything but the case and because the case is full size, I have been able to make everything work, as I piece it together. I just have to work with the limitations of laptop components and several crucial areas missing; such as a PCI slot and or Bridge and such what knots that make computer building a piece of cake…

Abacus Calculator...
Abacus Calculator…

I like it! DEXP makes a good product from what I see so far and this computer runs cooler, quieter and not as fast as the old one. This is a dual core Celeron and we had a Tricore AMD – 2.4GHz compared to 3.3GHz…

Svetochka is happy and that means even if it is an old Abacus Calculator, I am happy also… (By the way, these abacus calculators are in use all over Russia! Thought you might want to know that…)