Looks kinda like a soap opera…

indexThe west tries to create a soap opera out of Russia, but it kinda looks like (in away,) that Russia and China are the ones watching and or manipulating a soap opera called the, “Western Empire Turns.”

Panama Papers that came out of the press as a Russian shame (and then we see Russians not the issue,) are slowly being redirected in the correct direction and the steam kettle is starting to boil…

Cameron in Briton, is looking like the whipped puppy and either runs away or gets whipped some more. He pissed someone off in America and was put on the hit list. I hope he knows this and will take heed…

Yatsenyuk of Ukraine has finally resigned, after using his position as Prime Minister of Ukraine to build a bank account of a few billion green backs to retire on…

Obama is starting to show signs of a mentally disturbed (What’s new though?) and or mental unstable and that is above the level he has shown for years. I still think that Obama will declare martial law or something or another and keep his presidency. He will have no choice, if Hillary does not get the nod. The warmongers of the US of A, gotta have their darling, “Warmonger Queen!”

George Soros seems to be attacking the west now and I see many of the same regime change tactics being used all over America. Keep it up and soon a coup d’etat will come to you as democracy in full bloom. Yes, that is you…

Germany looks to implement trains only for women to ride. This is to keep the molestation at a lessor level it seems. Are we really living in a world that has reached this pathetic form of existence. We have a choice; protect our women or hide our women. Looks like Germany will hide their women…

The election process in the US is with out a doubt extremely corrupted and really always has been. It just is showing the desperation this year…

My favorite of these tidbits is to eliminate cash and then be able to have negative interest rates and no one would know…Checks and balances are very important…

Get the popcorn out and lets watch…