Changing the Game of Thrones…

s300The delivery of the Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile system, the ones that were delayed by UN actions, but should have never been delayed, has started. Iran is getting her paid for S-300 surface to air missiles. Russia has finally gotten off the western bandwagon and delivered what was promised and paid for…

Iran needs the defense missiles…

Deliver the missiles…

Russia and Iran missiles…

A quote of mine directly from me, myself and I…

Other words: It has been proven that if the deterrent is not at a high enough level, then the West will destroy a country to produce the results that they want to happen. Or to gather resources to enable the western war machine to fuel its weapons…

I think it is time that Russia, China plus Iran get together and draw that red line deep in the sand. Make the West think twice before they jump that Rubicon river again…

Changing the Game of Thrones…Looks like it has finally happening and the red line is bright, long and strong…