Posts will be short and sweet in a few days…


In the next few days, I will be leaving Russia. I have business to do and I am not sure where I will be going. I have switched all business to Estonia, because of the turmoil in Ukraine. I do need to make one last trip to Ukraine and finish some loose ends there. Maybe I need to travel to Ukraine and Estonia?

You will know where I am at when I post. This is the only post for today and tomorrow I may not post. I am just letting the hundreds of readers know that things will be thin on the site for the rest of the week. Sometimes the blog has to take a backseat to life and if I end up in Ukraine for awhile, I will be able to get a handle on how bad it is there…

I was in Ukraine many years ago when the last turmoil was tearing the people apart and usually I visit the consulate there in Kiev and get the run down on the truth of what is happening. I like to visit the Embassy of the US and see how far we have disrupted the life in Ukraine…

I have a friend that I need to see in Ukraine, I have his business card and we will see if he is still around. He spends time in Sweden also and his last thoughts where to stay permanently in Ukraine. Ukraine has destroyed a bunch of good deals for itself and maybe I will see just how bad it is…

I see that predominately only “Gung ho American jerks” are dancing for joy in Ukraine. We have really messed up the police system there, for we have successfully gestapo styled the new police force as we help build a police styled after Military America, just like we did in Georgia and that means bad news for Ukraine…

Sad to see Americans proudly pronouncing how we are giving Ukraine true democracy, all the while ignoring the fact that America is not a democracy and not an example for the free world…

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Maybe we have some extra “Victoria Nuland Cookies” left over for me to much on?

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I finally got the new computer set up. Really sad to have almost 4 gigs of updates to make a new install of Windows 8.1 done. I got Sveta’s printer working, all updates and everything else done but extra memory (RAM,) I will deal with that when I get back. When I get back, it is time to gather supplies and get back to the village. I have a garden to put in and Vova has already called once or twice…

I think he misses me! 😉

Boza misses the village and him and I both are homesick for the fresh air and hard work…

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I have to decide whether I take train or Plane…

Looks like train is the choice, for cost of plane travel is just too much and trains are about the same as they have been for many years. I like trains and they offer a good time to think and contemplate life. It is about the same time to travel whether I go to Estonia or Ukraine and I just love the little single seat spots at a window. Truthfully I am looking forward to train travel again. There is something about a Russian train to give you the reality of real life and train travel offers the essence of what and or is Russia…

Looks like I made up my mind…Train it is…

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I will let everyone know when I will leave in a few days. That way you can see what I find, wherever I go…