Delayed, but Hey….its Okay!

good-coffeeDid not make it to the Tiny Russian Village yet!

Delays and more delays and so we went to a movie yesterday. A movie that is made in Russia, by Russians and for Russians. It was really good. Called, “Flight Crew (Russian: Экипаж, translate; Ekipazh)”……

“This is not a film about heroes, but of ordinary people. About ourselves and those around. About our contemporaries, in which the entire country is held.” – Now I can say it held to that story line and was wonderful; wonderfully made and wonderfully exciting to watch…

I understand that it is only the second disaster film fully produced all in Russia and it was wonderful. Sveta loved it and it was worth a trip to the big screen. Svetochka was enthralled and I even ended up on the edge of my seat as we watched disaster after disaster fly across the big screen. It was a fantastic movie and worth staying around an extra day for. We may go see another one (movie) today and leave very early on Saturday…

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We still have some loose ends to tie up and we are not in a hurry. Life is too short to drive yourself to an early grave. I have to stop and smell the coffee and the roses at times. Speaking of roses; I bought a cream colored Tea Rose, plus two pear trees, four tomato plants, 12 strawberry plants and some other goodies to plant. I am so excited to plant the rose and see if I can start a tea rose garden in the years to come…

Speaking of coffee, my cup of coffee this morning is so good. I woke all fuzzy headed, but now I feel okay. Sveta is snoozing away and I need to get her up in a few hours. We have to finish getting ready and then gear up to leave tomorrow morning. Boza knows we are leaving and he looks at me like, “What! Are you always this slow? Lets go!”

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Delayed, but Hey….its Okay!