Hillary and Trump – LOL…

imagesI am not sure what is wrong with people, but it seems that we humans simply believe what we want and ignore everything else…

I see people talking about Trump and how he lies, cheats, is a womanizer and etc etc etc, but……

Those same people think Hillary is a blessing! But….where is their scrutinizing of her lies, cheats, etc etc etc?

I think both suck, lie, cheat, play games, will murder anyone in their way and sell their souls to the highest bidder. Yup…

I see both as the basic same person, just one male and one is female. They are from the same 10% of the upper crust of America and they basically have the same political backgrounds…

I can’t understand how you can hate one and love the other?

Just as I am not able to see any difference between Republicans and Democrats…

If you condemn Trump, you have no choice but to condemn Hillary! But and that is a big BUT; people insist on taking the same piece of cake and covering it with a different color of icing, then saying this cake is better…

Therefore, it seems that we vote according to what we imagine, desire and falsify within ourselves, for if we took off the rose colored glasses and voted for what we know as real facts, we would vote for neither of them…

I hear a bunch of, “Well I just don’t know what the truth is!” – LOL