Coffee is great and thoughts…

grumpy-old-bear-wtrThe coffee this morning is perfect! Not as perfect as on a -30 degree day, but still perfect in all its glamor and glory. Coffee is, “Soooo….the flow of life within the body, mind and soul!”

Coffee seems to transcend all boundaries, both physical and mental…

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I was bit so many times yesterday! The horseflies are terrible and I mean terrible, well to me they are terrible, but it seems that many people around here don’t see them…

My hand is swollen from a horsefly bite and while these demons swarm me, we have women and children running around the village basically naked and in the kids situation, they are naked. I can not understand what is happening. Boza and I are attacked as if we are looking like a rare piece of steak waiting to be consumed and we have parents in bikinis and children, butt naked…

In the last few days I have received at least twenty bites and my system is suffering from it. I even wear long sleeves half the time. It is hot and I am in long sleeves. Damn these demons from hell!

I have a swollen hand, swollen elbow, swollen neck and a back that looks like a dart board….They bite right through two shirts and jeans also…

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I am filling the wells right now. Boza and I got up at 3:30 a.m. and walked to the pump and turned it on. Gonna fill them to the top with water. People are consuming lots of water, it is hot and water is life…

Besides, I need lots of fluids so that I can keep my blood supply up. The horseflies need to drink also… 🙁

I will write this article and then go check the wells…

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France chaos, Turkey chaos, Britain chaos, America chaos and so on and so on…

Looks like Gerald Celente was right years ago…

Things are unraveling; slowly but surely…

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My suspicions are that you need to gather some basics. If you have water and shelter assured, most everything else will fall into place. I think it is time for people living like kings and flaunting it,need to tone it down and find a man-cave to develop. Learn that less is more, for as things progress to a higher boiling point. The less you have the better you will be in the mob rules eyes…

Everything that the Western Empire’s tentacles have touched, are now starting to fracture and waver, as they have found themselves with a whole bunch of empty promises. Promises of grandeur that end up debited to the hilt…

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Since I am now the great snake hunter; I had a Tiny Russian Villager knocking on the door at 5 a.m. and it seems the upper well had a snake in it this time. This time it was a poisonous snake and after I got it out of the well. I carried it into the woods and was about to stomp it to death and it looked at me as if to say, “I will be good!”

The snake promised to stay away and not come back and Boza shrugged his shoulders, as did George the Birdbrain, as if to both say, “What ever!” and we let the snake go even deeper in the woods. It slithered away and I swear I could hear it whistling a happy tune! Do snakes whistle? Nah! Just my overactive imagination… 😉

Then I turned off the pump and finished the wells ups…

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I am going to answer a comment here. I am diabetic number two. Yes eating potatoes will cause issues, but I have lost so much weight that I can now afford to splurge once in awhile. Yesterday spiked my blood sugar, but now it is short lived and since my diet is mainly protein at almost all times, my body was happy to get the good food. I woke slightly groggy, but that is the price to pay when I eat off balance once in awhile. Weight is my biggest issue with diabetes… And I like to eat also…

I have fought a battle with diabetes since I was forty years old. It seems no matter what, it will be a battle I fight all my life…

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I decided to shave before I finished the article. It is cool and the bugs are at a low point right now at 6 a.m. and I was kinda beast like…

When you get old, do you ever stop and look at yourself in the mirror?

I see my dad as I shave, but I see a man who is older than my dad was. He died at 50 and will always be younger than I, in images and my mind. I realized today that my beard is literally 100% white. I looked behind me and could not see the old guy in the mirror, but when I looked back, there he was again. I said, “Oh well!” and continued shaving. For that grouchy old guy could not be me! Right?

All in the head…

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We live in a strange world…

I was talking to Svetochka and she agreed with what we were talking about…

Things are messed up and to the very bad side of existence; I told her that, “It is better to truce with the enemy you know and keep peace, than to antagonize the old enemy unto new waves of violence.”

America is making new enemies and now in a unknown why and reason, antagonizing old, but neutral enemies and creating turmoil out of what was a steady love/hate relationship and intentionally threatening countries that are powerful enough to bite back, right into the center of our civilians. It is bad enough that we have gone out of our way to create new enemies to play games with, but as the world shrinks in size, both virtually and physically, through technology. We are finding that a few hours is enough to find life is not so secure anymore…

One day when instant transportation is available…….

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One day you need to stop and think…

We can feed the world. We can have peace. We can grow up. We have enough resources. We have a good world. And we are capable of creating a utopia out of what we have…

But until we get over money as a god, having to own everything, religion as a weapon, and a bunch of other idiosyncrasies, we will never grow up!