Not the typical conduct of a refined, educated and balanced society

indexWith all we now have gathered about the US government including Obama’s lackey brigade, the Clinton’s and all their sack men and ladies and water bearers of the propaganda in the journalistic world and all the criminal movement and untruths and debasement available to see first hand, even with e-mails as proof. The flagrant in your face robbery and nonchalance for Security, of the all deceiving democracy within the crusade to elect Hillary and so on…

You would think that people would see for themselves….You would think that when black is black and white is white, that nothing could be questioned and nothing is left to debate…

However 50% of Americans are as yet ready to vote in favor of Hillary Clinton….that lets me know that half of America has mental or enthusiastic issues.

This is not the typical conduct of a refined, educated and balanced society.

It is the activity of a mentally programmed crowd who think there is something in it for them to gain by her election…

The same goes for Trump, but in reality something is amiss there in that situation. The Republicans and Democrats are working day and night to convince us that Trump is as pathetic as the mainstay meal of the old days called SOS (Shit on Shingle!)

Either way you gather the data about these two future presidential wannabes just does not add up. Trump has at least shown a desire to change, but he gives no hope to the masses of freebie lovers and that scares them…

In my opinion Trump is scary in that he while sounds perfect for a better future; is still a multi-billionaire and is only in this life to make money. Selling his soul for money is still his foray and or is his forte. He makes a living at doing what makes Trump money, just as Hillary does…

Therefore, as a vote for president of the US is set between two people. One a known political cheat and liar and the the other a well known power broker cheat and liar, Trump wins by default. He is the unknown and politically could mean change for the better?

Politically we have already destroyed our country and yet 50% of the people still want to keep that guaranteed way for destruction going. The other 50% want to try a new way to destroy ourselves. That 50% is more correct than the other 50%. We have to embrace the new, especially when the old is fungicide and rotten…

The land of the free has become lacking in intellects!

This has been accomplished through degraded schooling, political correctness, handouts financial and or material to the masses, constant propaganda about how great we are and fear/scare tactics being used on a daily basis…

The same tactics used time and time again to keep the masses in check and certain desired people in power. History repeats itself, time and time again…

The fact that both presidential hopefuls are who they are; excludes them from office…

We as a people of a country as great as America and who use to be looked upon as a leader of the free world. Deserve a real president. We deserve someone who is no affiliated with politics, money and or greed. It is a shame that a person who works the land and lives week to week struggling to survive, has knowledge of the Good Book, budgets the little he has, raises a family to work by his side, believes in morals, remembers the horrors of the war he was in, cares who his kids date, cares where his kids are at night and life/nature is of the utmost importance….Is not able to be our president…

I am tired of the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, the Kennedy’s, the the the the and more more more, so called royalty of America. From Hollywood to Washington DC…

We need someone we can relate with and or to in the White House!

That there is the issue! We are a hodgepodge of different races, mentalities, genders, ages and everyone has had Burger King’s, “Have it your way!”, drilled into their heads until they think that is what life is about…

Not the typical conduct of a refined, educated and balanced society!

I guess I want to much?