Going to snow for the next two weeks…

mugIt has got me worried a little bit. Do not want to get snowed in, in Moscow and not see the Tiny Russian Village for awhile. Last year I got back at the first of December, but as I have said before, “This year winter is going to be rough!”

This winter issue is what makes Russia so formidable against countries in the past, trying to invade! I have said many times that in Russia winter rules and the rest of the seasons are just fleeting thoughts. It has snowed three days straight and once again is -5 this morning…

Boza had to walk at 4 a.m. and I had 3.5 mmol/l blood sugar, so I ate a mandarin as I walked him. It was good and Boza did his doggy duties and I got some fresh air to boot…

Now I am writing a post on this blog and worrying about the time frames that are available to us to get back to the security, peace, quiet and healthiness of the Tiny Russian Village…

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“4 is the Floor!” That is the rule I live by being diabetic and when I get restless in bed as I am sleeping, I get up no matter what. I check my blood sugar when I get up, even if still asleep almost 😉 and check it no matter what. I have to know what I am dealing with to start the day off correctly…

Therefore, I sit and write this post and am drinking a cup of coffee and eating a wonderful bowl of tvorog and or cottage cheese in the western world. I salt and pepper it and enjoy the distinct flavors of the best cottage cheese I have ever eating in my life and I grew up on a farm in America. We had fresh raw cottage cheese, but there is something about Russian cottage cheese that is just so good…

I think it is mainly the fact that almost all cottage cheese is still in the raw state and has not been ruined by processing. You can buy stuff from the stores, but nothing beats cottage cheese (tvorog) off the back of a truck. Or from a vending machine, such as this….Many machines sell cottage cheese also! (Besides just look around and that milk truck will be sitting there!)


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This is how to buy milk and such in the big city of Moscow…

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Therefore, back to my original thoughts…

We need to get to the huge market, buy winter stock of food. We have plenty of beets, potatoes, apples, carrots and many other vegetables in the village already. Thanks to a wonderful garden…

It is time to finish up in Moscow and get back to the Tiny Russian Village. The window of opportunity to get there is getting smaller and I do not want to miss that Window to Russia…