Yes I am a “Deplorable”

What many fail to realize!

Is that, once you leave the major cities, which are often bastions of the Democratic party, the rest of America is covered with Trump signs. Take a look at Illinois, for example. Chicago voted mainly for Hillary, and the rest of the state generally voted for Trump. This is normal across the country and that brings up the issue…


The country of America is divided and divided not by race, color or creed, but by city people and rural people. The worst division possible. I talk about going back to our roots all the time on this blog and that is what we did at this 2016 presidential election…

Trying to find our roots again…

The map above shows how a cancer works in the body if left unchecked. Good or bad, cancer has taken hold of America and if you study what you see above in the image. You will see something very simple and very deadly. Liberal infiltration of the masses…

I cannot and will not accept liberals as acceptable. I have spent my life being pushed around by liberals and their agendas…

The roots of the country are still alive and the middle of the country shows just that…

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What does this have to do with Russians?

We made them part of all this. We brought the Russians into this farce called an election and threatened them and brought thoughts of war upon their heads. Our lackadaisical attitude allowed our Neocons with the Democratic Party to spread their agenda of death, democracy by bombs and destruction as part of our presidential games…

The cancer is trying to spread to the whole world and as you read this; Russians have been under attack by this liberal cancer. Many forms of this are being implemented across the world. China is under the strain. Libya has been destroyed. Syria is being destroyed. Iraq is destroyed. Venezuela is being destroyed. Brazil is on the hit list. On and on and on…

Russians care if you jam your beliefs down their throats….In fact all the above countries believe that us Americans over stepped our boundaries and need to get our home in order first, before we try to spread miracle whip on the world in the name of democracy….as is done on a sandwich…

We have allowed our desire to be equal, better, number one and “Gods chosen people,) at all cost we shove it down others throats! This effects and or infects the world as a cancer does to the body. If it is left unchecked, and, Thus, Russia has finally stood her ground!

Cry Baby Cry!

We watch the Snowflakes whine and cry, we watch our media cry, we watch our Hollywood cry, our music people and on and on. We watched the media support Hillary literally 100%


We see the same manifestations being tossed out from our government and yes our government is in the terminal phase of cancer….If left unchecked the world will strike back and that is not acceptable to me…

While many disfranchise that Neocons are not liberals, a neocon knows the best ones to garner support for their activities in the country and in the rest of the world and thus, they are liberal affiliated…

No wonder the silent majority came out to vote in groves and groves…

You slept through the part where the Democrats became the War party!

The cancer started first within the Democratic Party and has the party has become the nest for the liberal agenda and my friend; Liberals are Democrats…

Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs – Student News Daily
Liberals believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil…

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Democracy has become what we fought against in the past. We ourselves have become the issue and not the cure and until we cure ourselves, we have “NO” right to impose upon Russia our beliefs. This includes the rest of the world also….The fact is we never had and never will have the right… (It is not right to do so!)

“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”  ― William F. Buckley Jr.

Amen to that!

The video is reality and yes even Sveta has posted this video everywhere. She is stunned as to what is happening in America and how the children have become so brainwashed to the liberal policies…

Our school systems, our government, our everyday life has become nothing but a liberal agenda and they are so use to getting their protect ways, that millions and millions of people and or mainly children have gone off the deep end and are wanting someone to fix the whole situation. They have never been challenged and that is what is wrong….WE should be challenged from birth to adulthood and thereafter all our lives. Challenge is what makes us grow…

We do not all deserve a blue ribbon for just being alive and taking up space!

Safe space my ass!

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The silent, take it up the ass, conservatives finally got off there duffs and came out in force and if they waited 4 more years, They would have lost and never have this last chance to save America, the world and respect…

This post will probably be slaughtered and I do not care. They are pulling videos as fast as they get posted on YouTube, due to censorship. I downloaded this video and put it elsewhere. The beauty of it is; in the years past, I would have to pull this video or be threatened with lawsuits, site shut down and such. Now I am out of their reach and will post what I damn well please. “Their” is our government (USA) that has censored me so heavily in the past…

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Maybe it is a last hurrah? Maybe we have lost? But right now I feel good and so does millions like me!

It may not change in the long run; it may be inevitable; to become what we have allowed to start; a Liberal Utopia. But maybe we can slow it down for awhile and give the world a break?

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I know you do not see it; But the Neocons have switched to a new party. It use to be synonymous to say the warmonger party Republicans. Not anymore…

And they are using our children to accomplish their goals, as is the GLBA and hundreds of other (infiltrated into the democrats) organizations. They found a weak link in our system and exploited it…

Yes Russia had a right to be worried and scared, all they have to do is watch the children of our country, the ones in collage, and see what the future is…

Yes I am a “Deplorable” and proud of it!


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Donald Trump said in his campaign that that this is America’s last chance. If we lose this one, he said, we lose the country.The president-elect should ignore his more cautious counselors and act with the urgency of his declared beliefs.


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There is disunity because the left views this as constant, never-ending war. We have tried. Our party, members of our party have tried to appease the Democrats and the left for as long as I have been doing this, and it never, ever works. It never makes the media less mean. It never causes Democrats to say they love us and like us more. Not that that matters, but it seems that some people want that to be the case. It never changes anything. But let’s looking at this as it actually was, as it actually happened.


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Second, Donald Trump said he had a movement and he did. This is how you know. His presidential campaign was bad—disorganized, unprofessional, chaotic, ad hoc. There was no state-of-the-art get-out-the-vote effort—his voters got themselves out. There was no high-class, high-tech identifying of supporters—they identified themselves. They weren’t swayed by the barrage of brilliantly produced ads—those ads hardly materialized. This was not a triumph of modern campaign modes and ways. The people did this. As individuals within a movement.