Svetochka is gone to Moscow…

kteatimeBoza and I got up at 5 a.m. and were kinda sad. Svetochka is gone back to Moscow. We took her last night in Sammy the Volga to the train station and Boza and I had a long lonely ride back home. But! We are doing our thing this morning and filled the wells, ate breakfast, took our medicines and the sun is coming up. It is going to be a beautiful day here in the Tiny Russian Village…

Now Boza and I will get in a pattern and get healthy. We will eat at the same times, walk at the same times, work at the same times and go to bed early & rise early. This is important for us and it makes us heal and get better. A schedule is important and to Boza it is vital as he gets much older. I will rearrange the home today and make clear paths for Boza to get from my bed to his bed. I am also going to move his food and water bowls. They have always been by the door and he is having issues with stepping on them. This is an issue that I can solve with little repercussions for him to find his food and water…

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downloadI want to thank the people for donations that have come in this month. These donations have bought Boza all his medicines and food for both him and I to use for the whole winter. They really came at a good time, for we over spent our budget tremendously in Moscow and now are just about back on track. Money is always an issue, the US does not send me anything for disability and or past services killing everyone all over the world. I have a website that generates $100 average a month and basically that plus donations is what Boza and I live on. I am working on retirement funds from America, but that is like trying to squeeze blood from a turnip. If you are younger than I am, do not expect any help from the government for all that has been paid into the system. If I ever get it all worked out, the system may be so broke and all the money stolen by the government, that I will get nothing anyway…. Wish we had that trillion plus dollars back in the system, that we used from it to play war games all over the world, in Iraq and Afghanistan…

I paid for years into private retirement plans for several companies and as many know and have found out, pension funds from the old days failed and both companies are no longer in business and there is no retirement available from a defunct company…

We hear Social Security is broke and we hear that it is fine. I guess as long as we continue to borrow money at the pace we borrow it at, then anything can be said to be okay! But, the can has about stopped rolling and since our legs are broke, it will be hard to keep kicking it down the road…

I live on almost exactly the same amount that a Russian lives on with a pension, about $150 a month average… It is enough…

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The birdbrains are eating happily at there buffet. They are waiting for me in the morning and have their bibs on and ready to eat. I buy millet and oatmeal to mix for them. They love it and we have about 50 birds who like the buffet. The millet runs 20 rubles a kilo and the oatmeal runs 18 rubles a kilo. A kilo of each mixed together lasts four days. I have budgeted this and will feed the birdbrains all winter. This is my payment for them to keep the bugs out of the garden in the summer… 🙂

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Our Tiny Russian Village home...
Our Tiny Russian Village home…
On a clear day you can see forever…

Yes it is heaven here!