End game in Syria?

Cyberattacks and atrocities in Aleppo, Syria…

The Western Empire is in chaos and they have been handed a glaring defeat in the Syrian geopolitical games. The accusations are flying off the shelf, as if the shelf has broken from the wall and anything goes; as being demonstrated by words of ignorance from as high up as Obama to the gutters on the streets of the Western Empire. There seems to be no buffer between the two levels. It is an all out slander and threatening attack. The type that starts wars and destroys countries…

Therefore evidence is either hearsay and or lies and or dreams of dementia and they come from Obama and or his cronies (all puppets in the game) on “alleged” Russian cyberattacks to undermine the US presidential election and or from the EU on propagating Russian (and Syrian) atrocities in Aleppo. It is exceedingly transparent that there is, “no proof and or a shred of evidence.” Yet assertions are being tossed out with not a breath of air between theses expressions. In other words, the lies are flying like bats from a cave. Washington is openly threatening to reciprocate for things they make up, and EU leaders are slapping more damaging sanctions on Russia for the simple reason that Russia helped Syria to defeat the terrorists….which proves that the EU is and was behind the Syrian fiasco of death and destruction…

This is an deranged and demented policy of warlike actions and or aggression. Against Russia and Syria. Nothing new there, but the ferocity of the war drums is frantic and pathetic…

It is especially pathetic keeping in mind that present and former members of US intelligence agencies do not support the Administration of the US’s assertions in conjunction with Russian cyberattacks…

No evidence! and people are tired of the crap  Washington Times and Washington Post…

Even gave you western news links to satisfy the soul of fake news… 😉

The Empire has become that dangerous black eyed Bully!

It is well known that bullies will back away and hide at first, but then they will decidedly underhandedly try to sneak attack you from behind. For bullies have yellow streaks a mile long down their backs, but they are always justified in trying to smack you with a baseball bat when you are not looking. It is a cheap and pussy way to deal with life, but all to common in the world I grew up in. I was raised to watch your back, for people will stab you in the back, when you are not watching…

Why? (That terrible question I always ask others!)

Why do we allow the warmongers to keep their positions, that allow them to manipulate our counties policies against us and the world? Why do we allow flagrant accusations be used without evidenced? Why do we tolerate our own destruction? Why do we allow the media to be so controlled? Why are we so complacent?

That my friend are good questions and you should be asking them everyday. To yourself and of others…