Everyday is a new canvas…

Snow falling is akin to painting a canvas white and starting over. Almost everyday snow falls here in the Tiny Russian Village. The effect is wonderful, if not frustrating at times…

This morning at 2:15 a.m. Boza and I stepped outside to a fresh painted world. The snow I removed the day before, the tracks we left to the well, down the road and in the yard were all gone. The world had transformed, once again, into a new fresh laid canvas on which we could paint and play…

There is something interesting about stepping on a surface that looks untouched. Your mind knows you walked there yesterday, but your eyes tell you that it is a new path and a new surface to walk on. Every step is soft and snow puffs in the -15 degree chill. The sky was crystal clear and not a hint of breeze anywhere. The snow you kick up seems to hang in the air a few seconds and then settle like talcum powder floating to the ground…

It really is a wonderful world we live in…

Have a nice day from the Tiny Russian Village!