Russians are loving America again (More fake polling news) and safe place with coffee…

Russians are loving America again (More fake polling news,) plus lets talk about safe places…

From Moscow to the tiniest Russian Village. Through winter, spring, summer and fall I stay by their side. Russians just want truth from America and trust is not on that list anymore…

They trust me, only because I have proven myself. But as it took me a long time, it will take much longer for Russians to trust the American government, much less the American people who keep voting in the trashy politicians, such as McCain and others…

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Americans talk about “safe places”

On the campuses across the country, safe places have become the new iPhone experience. My safe place is in a meter of snow and many times at -30 degrees. It is my dog and I by ourselves. I wanted to experience real Russia, not a facsimile of western wannabe, as Moscow does has its moments of western loving…. If you have a safe place and it lacks cookies, binky pacifiers, material items and hot water and pizza delivery 24 hours a day to allow you to get away from the world, and hide, then come and talk to me and tell me about life, when your safe space is -30 below zero Celsius and you have survived in a tiny cabin…. Then I will relate to you. But, when you your safe place has endless government funding for kiddies / plus so called adults wipe your ass and drying your tears. I don’t care about your safe place…. When we are in collage, we have to grow up or get out. Though it seems collages have destroyed more of America than anything or anyone else…

My safe place was without power for six hours last night, -23 below at 4 a.m. and a doggy who had doggy business to do with a 20 kilometer an hour breeze. Now that is what I call a “safe place,” for no one will damn come looking for me and if they do, I will see you first…

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I do not trust America anymore,

But then I stopped trusting America as I fought in Vietnam. America has proven it cannot be trusted and the West has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, it is morally bankrupt… Not to mention financially and whatever…

Ever try to find a safe place in the middle of a war? You don’t live long if you do try! Safe places are places to be trapped……….. Hmm!

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I know Russians,

I do not try to write from a special safe place in Moscow, I talk the talk and walk the walk in Russia…. I do not play in expat bars and restaurants. I eat in my friends homes and laugh and cry alongside them as things get bad or good…

Yes at one time Russians loved Americans (they still do, but they do not trust.) But we have a long road back and no matter how fake you play the polling data, we lost when we lied to Russia… Time and time again…. Trust is important…

I am sick of fake news, fake polls and fake attitudes. Want truth about Russia? Then get your head out of MSM ass and look for that truth. Why you just found someone who knows about Russia, as you read this…. And even the expats living in Russian big cities, fear me, for I will upset their fantasy world that they have created to make money from the Western Empire. Moscow is full of paid Russian haters…. and not one of them will, “Walk their Talk!”

I do!

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I got pissed yesterday!

I am so sick of seeing so much anti-Russian crap that I am getting angry. So today, I will ignore the stupidity and work on my books… I am not a nice person when angry! It takes a lot to get me there, but when I do, I am efficient in my reactions…

So, have a nice day and that is sincere from someone living in Russia, walking in a Tiny Russian Village, playing with Russians, talking with Russians, eating with Russians and politicizing with Russians. I am sincere in the fact that I wish you to see how wonderful my life is and has become. Hardships make a better life…. It is all mental, even if we die from those hardships, it is all part of life…

This is so true…

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. – Arnold Schwarzenegger

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But I have to say,

If we blunt the hardships with facades and coddle the adults and give people freebies. They never develop and they never grow up!

In a good society, the ones who can never grow up are taken care of by the immediate society around the ones lacking. This is how it is in Russia. This is how it use to be in America. Then when a government takes over the care, the needs, the wants and the thinking of and for individual, things get out of hand and we have a perfect example; in the US of A…

Now! I feel better…