Few days of warmth and then back cold again… TRV

Well it is simply a bad morning and rough day coming…

I woke with a rare fever here in TRV. It (thermometer) says 38.5 (101.3) and I feel like crap!

Blood sugar is all messed up, blood pressure is high and I feel rough. All is good, but I still have to walk Boza the doggy and at 3 a.m. we got down the hill, but coming back was rough. It is -3 out and it looks like my arthritis has gone over board, I also feel a tinge of kidney issues, vinegar water time…

Dear Readers,
Could you please walk me?
I sad!

Guess I won’t be griping about anything today…

Do not even feel good enough to grumble and be grumpy at the world…

Now that is not a good thing…

It will be warm for a few days and then it looks like March will be below freezing most of the month. Guess I have to wish harder for warmer weather, but today, I just wish to walk the dog once in awhile…

Poor Doggy!

* * * * *

Melting snow for water!

A few days ago the pump at the well went out again, just like it did last summer. The wells are dry and we in the Tiny Russian Village are melting snow down in buckets to have water to bath, clean and drink. This is fine as long as the snow is plentiful. Right now it is not an issue…

The local government at the middle size village, who is responsible for our village, is doing what it does best, ignoring the issue…. The village is called Sysoy, I have walked there at times to get food. The administration is marginal at best. Vova ended up jimmy rigging the well last summer and as we all know jimmy rigging is only a short term solution. The Sysoy admin never got us a new part, did not care and it is looking the same way this time also…

* * * * *

I am feeling better (after grumbling about something) and will get something to eat. It looks like a good day to simply relax…

Have a nice day…