Going to the Big Village with Vova and sipping coffee…

The Tiny Russian Village is very far out from the world. So to go to town is something we plan. Vova has to get his gun permit that he applied for and today he was told to pick it up. We will leave between 10 and 11 a.m. This will be a hard trip, for the ground has finally thawed and the river is very high. This means that mud is an issue, not snow or ice. Mud is terrible…

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They have almost finished putting in the lake pump. The pump is removed for the winter and soon it will be running, filling the lake. The lake is already filling from all the thaw and rain. Spring is definitely here….

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A part of graph that our weather system produces. I finally have worked out some issues on keeping records and have saved most of the winter records. This is important to me and if you look closely, you will see that green squiggle almost reaches -40 one day. The green is actual low temperature, the red is actual high temperature…

I told you we got cold and you can see that January was a rough month…

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This morning at 6 a.m. I took sunflower seeds out to feed the birdbrains. The little cute Siberian Tit (chickadee,) was sitting quietly in the top of the cherry trees. I filled the feeders and it watched me, all alone in the yard. The other birds were still sleeping I guess? Then as if on cue…. The little devil started to sing and sing and sing…

I stood and watched and listened…

It came down to a branch near me and the most beautiful music on earth was produced by this little birdbrain…

This video captures what I hear all day outside in our yard. I have heard some more than recorded and I put that to them being Russian Chickadees… 😉 They speak two languages you know! The recording does not capture what I heard this morning and I call it, “Come and eat, the bear is out!”

For within a few seconds the yard was full of chickadees and they were all singing and singing and singing…

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For all you, “Russians do not make anything!” sorta type people…

I will tell you that no one makes all terrain vehicles like the Russians and you could only wish to have something as cheap in price and at the quality that Russians have access to. I am amazed at the specialty vehicles that Russia makes… I mean assembly line production type of vehicles…

I know, I know! Russians do not make anything, yet they really make almost everything and it is quality…

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Lets end this today with what makes Boza have a good day?

Now that cat is sitting in the tree, because Boza found it and tried to chase it. I have to upset the moment though, Boza would run into the tree. Perfect moment and the cat does not realize Boza is blind, so the cat runs for its life. This is the reason that Boza lives for…
