Only when?

Only when the American people once and for all realize again that no one is going to save them but themselves do we have a prayer. Quit fighting ourselves and stop the system in place is the only way…

I prayed that Trump was the right answer but he was only an answer to one question.

Him or Hillary?

I don’t have any illusions that it goes any farther than that simple question and even then at the time I said, “This is a case where a lot of people were unwittingly doing the so called common sense thing and we were all totally missing the boat, including myself!”

Just admit it! We are in a quagmire of propaganda and deceit…

If Hillary got in and screwed up then she has all the Bernie supporters and Trump supporters hating on her which may have been preferable at this point to a Trump who then turns around and gives the keys to the kingdom away (just as Obama was doing) and stays supported by people who don’t want to admit they could of been fooled. Yes there is half a country doing just that…

Trump thus becomes the obvious smoke screen and or kite-flier it looks like he is turning out to be…

But we couldn’t win either way and until people finally get that, nothing will change. We were given two and only two to chose from. It was a classic case of, “The lessor of the two evils!”

And I fell for it, for hope and change did not happen the last eight years and the Stalking Horse in the office at that time, only failed to finish his job. Hillary was the continuation of the exact same program, but Trump was a chance at change and hope!

Looks like we lost the bet as we watch Trump search for that war/turmoil/propaganda to continue the lies and propaganda that has been shoved down our throats for all our lives…

Have a nice day…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.