Boza and I watched Balloons…

Boza and were walking and we saw a small tiny kid, girl to be exact, running with so many balloons, that I swear her feet were coming off the ground. She was running down the middle of our parking lot and I grabbed my phone to try to get a picture before she disappeared…

She had three other girls running after her…

Then before I could get my phone out to take a picture, she lost the balloons. She stood stunned for about two seconds, the other three girls stood stunned looking up, I was looking up, a whole playground full of moms and babies all looked up and even Boza seemed to be looking up!

The picture has about 50 balloons in it and that is at most half of the balloons the little girl had. I am telling you she was almost getting ready to take off…

Then the four girls total, just all broke out laughing and giggling, as they watched the balloons disappear. I then stopped gawking long enough to get a shot of the balloons before they got too far for my phone camera…

What amazed me is how young the girls were and the fact that they did not get upset and or cry over the balloons. They simply enjoyed watching the balloons disappear into the sky and with a strong wind we had, they dissipated very fast…

The images are only three shudder clicks apart and before I could get a better sighting on them, I could no longer see them in the sky…

I found the world became quiet and really interesting. Everyone including some cars stopped and watched these balloons. It seems to stop time for just a few seconds and everyone was mesmerized by the sight…

It is one of those life’s happenings and where the girls came from and where they went back to I will never know, but they had fun and that is what life is about…

I stopped taking pictures of the balloons and was going to take one of the girls and….. they were gone! Lock, stock and barrel! Giggles, smiles and laughter! All gone, just a handful of babushkas looking around like I was…

Good thing the girl did not fly off with the balloons!