Update Boza and coffee time meanderings…

Boza went to the doctor yesterday and  we had good news and bad news about his eyes…

The right eye is responding good to the original medicine and the eye pressure is kinda acceptable normal (Boza is at 25 to 30 mm Hg in his right eye and the doctor says that is acceptable and good.) He is actually seeing somewhat out of it and that eye is just maintenance to keep things in line with normality, or as normal as it can be kept. The left eye is bad (65 to 70 mm Hg) and that means excessive damage has happened and is continuing to happen to the left eye. So we now have a whole new set of medicine to deal with the left eye and a original set of medicine to continue with the right eye…

Therefore, Boza is having everything from antibiotics to super powerful pressure relief drops put in his left eye. Some drops have to be done six times a day…

Then on the 8th of may, we will see the doctor again and will know more about what is happening. I would say that it is 50/50 chance of surgery on the left eye, for I am not sure that it can be corrected by medicine…? He has hard spots on the cornea and other major damage…

The one good thing I see today is that he is resting peacefully and is in no discomfort. That is good and the main goal about all the drops and such. There is soothing jell stuff for the cornea and that seems to really help his pain…

I worry about the little guy and have found I have my hands full trying to organize all this medicine and get it all done. Svetochka is very worried about her doggy and is trying to find and do all that is possible to help him. She does the groundwork and I do the maintenance applying the cure…

Svetochka is a good girl…

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Speaking of doctors:

Tomorrow I get to go to a doctor and have some spots on my face looked at. I also have an issue with my little toe on the right foot and it needs to be looked at. Being diabetic; Means you can never be too careful with your feet…

I also have to have my eyes checked. I am struggling with vision also…

Sometimes life gets you down…

I am just thankful that healthcare is very good in Russia and cheap…

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As a side thought with coffee this morning:

I give Trump as president of America the benefit of the doubt. I think that he is in over his head and it will take time. I disagree with many things he has done and to be honest, he has not done most of the things being slammed against him. The wannabe Hitlers are running amuck in America and I just do not know if he can rein them in?

He is trying on many things, but he has an opposition that is unlike anything we have ever seen. Even Nixon did not have it this bad and they got him in the end…

Good or bad, I am glad he is there and not Hillary. He lost my trust with the Syria fiasco and the North Korea games and at least he knows that he messed up. Hillary would have done what he did and 100 times worse. Regardless of what Trump is, Hillary he is not and I thank God everyday for that…. A big problem is that being president of America does not mean you have any power to be that president…

Just like the healthcare issue. It really is simple; Even Russia has free healthcare for the natives and while I have to pay for that healthcare, it is better healthcare than what I would get in America and that my friend is what you should realize. Healthcare is just like abortion issues, war issues and political issues in America. They are all a byproduct and or symptoms of the big problem. The big problem is…

[contentcards url=”http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/04/politics/health-care-vote/”]

Problem is; we should not pay for healthcare, just like we should not have to pay for an education and many other items that we continually pay for, but should be from our taxes…

America is divided:

And that is exactly how the elite want it. Divided we fall and united we succeed…. So while you worry about the little stuff, we are running straight into a wall of concrete and that wall will not give as we hit it…

“Crash Test Dummy” comes to mind…