Update Boza, white lilacs and good coffee…

Boza struggling…

Tomorrow we see a very very specialist for doggy eyes. We are trying to save his eyes and not have to have fake (implants) eyes put in. This is important to us (and him, he has some sight at times) and worth the issues involved…

You realize how much family a doggy is when something goes wrong with them and just like a human, we will do all we can to help him…

Right now the drops we are using are affecting him and making him sluggish. It hurts to see him this way and I get depressed at times when the old Boza is not around. Glaucoma is not a fun thing to deal with…

The doctor we are going to see has special laser surgery and such. He is a specialist in glaucoma, we are lucky to have such a doctor for doggies…

Update white lilacs…

Svetochka has pictures of the lilacs staying at her mothers. They are doing good and as soon as I get the images from her I will post them. They all lived and I find that a kinda miracle since they came from Europe by mail. The lady who sent them knows her stuff and Svetochka’s mother knows her stuff too…

Sveta is at a school (math college) reunion today, so I have to wait to get the images…

My tests and doctors…

All my blood work has come back in the normal range for everything tested. This is the first time in ten years and Svetochka and I are happy. My three month blood sugar readings were 5.7 mmol/l. Years ago it was 10+ and I have come a long ways. I work hard at keeping my diabetes under control and it is showing. I have fought this issue since I was 40 years old…

I have a few more things to check out. One of them is to have a CT Scan. I will have my head and neck done; time to make sure my brain tumor has not come back. 🙁 Headaches are daily now and my neck is almost partially locked up at times. I think that I have a collapsing neck vertebra, but lets make sure… Tired of a grating noise as I turn my head… Not to mention the 24 hour pain…

Life just keeps marching, even if we want everything to stop…

Life keeps going. You think it’ll stop, wait for you to be done crying, but it just keeps moving. Don’t spend your time looking back. You don’t want to miss what’s ahead.