Happy Fourth of July America… 07-04-2017

What Happened?

In America in which I lived in, only people in big cities had to lock their doors of homes, flats, apartments and or their cars. A bicycle could sit for days out front of the house and no one dreamed of stealing it. I remember an America in which “Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet, they go together in the good ole’ USA…” – the “American Dream” was kicking happily. I remember one adult could support his or her family and more if needed. One worker per family seemed to suffice. I remember an America in which people were gay and happy, rather than homosexual and spying on you all the time and fearing why you walked up to their door. I remember an America in which I could as a child disappear safely for the whole day. My bike saw many many miles during the summer. Life was to be embraced in my America and never sit in front of a boob tube with games, movies or TV shows. TV was for special occasions, such as sports 😉 and or later night for the grownups…

I lived in an America that still trusted its government, but we knew a government was a snake in the grass. That government was growing, but time and time again we set them back in their quest. I watched the true beginnings of change when, life became equal and politically correct. I remember when tossing a lawsuit for the neighbor kid climbing your tree and breaking a limb was non existent. I remember when calling the cops was something you did not do, for cops only mediated the issue 90% of the time (Now it seems the cops shoot you 90% of the time for calling them.) I remember farmers having rights that city people never would, such as kids driving trucks and the right a way anywhere they went with their equipment. It was hell to pay for interfering with a farmer and his work. The farmer was the backbone of America and we knew it…

But we allowed change to happen; all in the name of safety, terrorists, laziness and being greedy. Morals became second to most anything…. In my world a fag was a cigarette, the rainbow was a beautiful gift from God, a handshake meant the deal was signed, money was borrowed and paid back, English was spoken and those who came to America learned English to succeed, the neighbor fell upon hard times and we helped, the barns were built by all in town and farms nearby, a doctor visited your home, payment was in eggs, bacon and cows, we bartered, we stood our ground and we new right from wrong. Then…

We became soft and allowed, seat belts to be imposed, speed limits to be lowered, fear to creep into our lives, the sanctity of man and woman as a couple fell the wayside. Children to be imprisoned with in their homes due to the boogeyman! we stopped taking matters in our own hands. We stood by idly while we accepted cops, politicians and others to be our trial and jury of our very lives and existence. We sat down, instead of standing on our two feet and simply watched everything erode around us. America is a country that built the greatest infrastructure seen in the world and we still rather war than repair that wonderful achievement…. We stopped caring about us, we, them and they and became marching to a tune of, “It is their fault! I have been wronged!”

America was a country that had so many issues, but…. we had the correct idea back then. The idea of democracy and that it worked. Maybe it did not work? But democracy was a far cry better than anything else out there. Democracy could have been the answer, but alas, it has become the two headed snake in the grass…

In most peoples eyes in this day and age, I am most likely wrong about my feelings. But the America I celebrated in the past at the Fourth of July would have never accepted what America has become. But through wars, time and propaganda; we have become molded to a new expectation. Simply put: The famed Tea Tax Revolt and or The Boston Tea Party. Was brought on by such lower taxes than we are embraced with now, that they would look at us as the finest idiots in the world. For it is well known, give the government more money, they will waste and war more…

Immigrants use to come to America and they knew they would work and toil to obtain the heady dream of the Free Country. They knew that it was better than where they came from and thus, they also knew they had to hunker down and make it work. You did not come across the oceans to live off the system. You came to make a life and name for yourself. This is not done often anymore. We have become a country of immigrant welfare. Come one come all, vote for us, here is money and remember who allowed you in the country. We want your loyalty, not hard work…

I realized how far down the tubes we have gone when you simply take one thing into perspective…

Give or take a few million people 100,000,000 people who can work, do not work. One hundred million people! Just think how vibrant our country would be if everyone worked, had a home, fed their family and do it with only one person in the family working. Mom and or dad home everyday watching the kids, families a first priority, grandma cooking a Sunday meal for all, grandpa telling stories about the land he brought his family and by the way your mom and dad from many times, family was well known to be a pain in the ass, but we believed that, “Blood is thicker than water!”

We took care of the bad sheep ourselves, calling the cops was stupid and is even more stupid nowadays…

Why are the welfare recipients not working for that welfare? Good question and no one likes the answer given by either side. But it is what we have become and defines us as a society and a country. Welfare is not democracy…. Many welfare people have an active life, I saw many bowling, playing baseball, football, dancing, drinking and being merry; when they were suspiciously crippled. Oh my back hurts and I can’t work. It works and works time and time again. The people who really do have a decapitating issue really need help, but we failed to weed the garden too many times…. In fact the garden is overrun with thistles and we seem to think thistles are a good thing now…

The world I grew up in did not believe telling on each other was appropriate. A tattle tale, even when correct, was shunned and feared. That person was a marked person and you knew they would tell on you if you looked cross eyed at them. Finger pointing was not very common and protecting friends and family was first above the law and government. We all knew and all had moonshine distilling family and friends, but we would never have told on them. It just did not happen…

The greatest threat to life was gangsters and mafia. 90% of that was made up…

Democracy is a tough love situation. We never get what we want in a democracy. We must endure and work with what we are dealt as cards. But it looks like we should have been more forceful and less tolerant. We have tolerated ourselves into a wall and that wall does not give. Never should people come from another country with the idea that they can impose their countries ways upon us. They either come and enjoy what we are, or they do not come. This is a key issue that has destroyed us and our culture that we were building as a fledgling country…

That is important, ask anyone from all over the world. The culture that has taken thousands of years to develop did not happen by giving everyone everything on a silver platter. There must be losers and there must be those that strive to be better. For if we do not have anything to strive for. we are nothing…. If my ability to long jump more than you is degraded, then why long jump? If my ability to be valedictorian is washed with twenty more not as good at grades as me, then why strive to be the best?

I loved being an American in the America I grew up in, but that America no longer exists. In today’s America, many people from the cities to the suburbs and from the country are less unscathed than in the past. With all of our so called governmental help and nanny effects, we are no more than a third world third-world country in safety. We are worse off than even the worst past times. Maybe we have more things, but we have much less spiritual well being and filming someone dying by cellphone is a higher priority than saving that life at all costs to yourself.No longer is the rare person who is self-centered, it has become rare to not be self-centered…

Being safe is a synonym for taking our rights away and that just makes things worse for the good people and much better for the bad people…. we have actually created the conditions in our country that we should not be armed and guns should not be available. This is from an avid gun owner in the past, me! Society is no longer mature enough to handle guns and it is scary to see who has them…. I was raised on the usage of weapons and was taught the rights and wrongs of a weapon…. This was taught in school, at home and by society in general…. a gun was for feeding the family and protection as a last resort…

In today’s America, many children are on food stamps (around 20,000,000 or so,) almost everyone does not have enough money, even with two working in the family and 50% to 75% of Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck (according to what source you believe. But regardless 50% is devastating to being in a country like America) In today’s Land of the Free, if you leave your shovel sitting outside? it is gone the next day, we have deadbolt locks, yes locks and more locks on our doors and security systems in many houses. This was unheard of in the America I grew up in. In today’s America, the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s who we have stories about, are friendly in comparison to the division that has come forefront…

In today’s America; banks, politicians, rich and carpetbaggers have stolen our savings, the interest on our savings, our pensions and our whatnot. But we have more material items than ever before. A society based on material possession, Hollywood, games and money? Is a society that is failing…

In today’s America, our kids are carrying over one trillion in college loan debt. Americans, are carrying another one trillion plus in auto loan debt. The America I grew up in was the world’s greatest creditor nation. A nation that loaned to others in the world. A nation that paid its bills on what it had available, not what it borrowed. Today America is literally number one as the greatest debtor nation in the free world. The debt is so far above our comprehension, that even the fake debt clock pales in comparison to reality.

Yesterday’s American Dream has been replaced by today’s American politically correct and we have stilled the progress of a great nation. A nation that the world looked up to…

My world I remember was far from perfect, but it was a far cry better than the world we have idly set on our asses and allowed to grow like a mold on the wall. that mold once set in, virtually never goes away. Ignore mold one year and have three times what you tried to erase, bleach did the job temporarily, but mold seems to always come back. Unless we rip out that wall and replace it. Once the spores are embedded, it only takes one spore to start anew…

As a child I loved the Forth of July…

It was the most magical holiday in the world to me. BBQ, fireworks, parades, parties, family and friends all gathered and it all meant something. The 4th ranked right up there with Christmas and Thanksgiving. It was a holiday that meant something…

The 4th was our Independence day!

[contentcards url=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Day_(United_States)”]

Independence Day, also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence 241 years ago on July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and were no longer part of the British Empire.[1] The Congress actually voted to declare independence two days earlier, on July 2.[1]

So I do not party anymore on the 4th. That started many years ago. The 4th meant something at one time…

It meant! Good or bad, we were a country and a great country at that. We had abilities to shape the world into a better place. We had dreams, safety and pleasantness abound. Life was a bowl of cherries and we could deal with the pits as we came to them. But then…

We lost our roots and lost our dreams of a better country than the world had seen….

Liberty in my eyes is:

Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette – Wikiquote


Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights.

We need to get back to our roots! We failed somewhere down the line and we need to backtrack and restart from there…

You do not have to like how I see it! You do not have to care if I am sane or not! It is how I see it and we are a long ways down wrong fork of the road. When we came to that fork in the road, we had a choice then to make and take. We took the road that screamed money, money and more money…. And all that comes (good or bad) with money, we reap…

Failure was immanent, but it was fun spending like no tomorrow! Right?

Oh and I only touched on a part of all that has changed. America is no longer that country that fought for her freedom…

Maybe you like that? I do not……..

To end such a long tale…

I have found myself living in the world that America was once. It is fitting to me and my soul. Eleven years ago I stepped onto the world of Russia and found what I had lost. I found a world that still reverberated with morals and care for the past. It, Russia, is not a perfect world and it is not a feigning world of pleasure and silks of life. The world that I have found is as alien to how most of you who read this post have become to accept as normal. It is a world that still holds keys to the heart and allows you to be free to slit your own throat, through and by your actions…

It is a world that is growing smaller, yet still, the people and land are arable and hold on to what they had and could lose. It is a world that reminds me of what I watched fade from my finger tips and it is a world that puts God high, if yet neigh, on top of all. For even in their desire to be godless, the belief in God is what they fight against as they turmoil. Their souls still walk among the devils that beat them down in the past, a past that could never be forgotten for many many generations…

The stories that are still told and the walk of life as it progresses holds onto what was and what is. They resist the call of the western world and its immoral actions, such to the point of being downcast in the eyes of many. They are an intellectually proud people that will take tremendous pressure put upon them, yet when it is needed and necessary, they will stand and do what is correct…

I see a change in the youth and I see a future in many generations that dwell upon the present of the western world, but without a doubt, I will have passed on to something else, beyond this earth…

Yes I celebrate July 4th, but it is a celebration for my new found freedom. A freedom I watched fade and slip from my fingers and now I watch it happening again, in another country, yet it is exorbitantly slow in progress in front of my eyes now. I am old, but yet not ancient and can maybe help those around me understand what is happening before their eyes…

Until that time as when Russia catches up to the western world in a lack of morals and intellect degraded…. I will enjoy the peace, tranquility, freedom, safety, moral base, lack of detriment and abundance of liberty that still runs abound in the veins of the Russians and their country…

I am blessed and I am thankful. For it seems that time marches on and all things must change, for good or bad…

Have a nice day…