Just some coffee thoughts on Thursday 7/06/2017

The last few days have been rough for Boza. He struggled for a night and then we had a rough half a day. His left eye went out of control. Not sure why yet, but it became very resistant to drops and the glaucoma went rampant. Even the right eye tried to become a pain in his head. But with a constant vigil and a double dosage for a few hours, things became normalized. I finally last night got to sleep for five hours straight and feel a ton better today. Poor Boza…

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Sammy the Volga is ready to be primed. They have the body work done and are basically finished putting her back together. It has new front doors from another Volga and the rear doors are being skinned with new metal. The other donation Volga is a sedan, thus the rear doors do not fit our station wagon. But that is okay! Maybe we will see it painted Friday and next week we can leave for Moscow and get Boza taken care of?

It is looking like the left eye needs to be replaced with a fake eye. It has gone south big time…

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War Zone – USA?

[contentcards url=”http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-chicago-july-4-weekend-shootings-violence-20170705-story.html”]

Answer me this; Is America at war with itself?

Hmm… Seems that way to me. 100 shot in a weekend or so, just in Chicago…. War zone comes to mind…

Oh, move on, nothing to see here and all is good in the land of sunshine and rainbows…

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I like the way America points fingers at North Korea, Russia, China and many other countries and never look inward at themselves and say, “We might have a problem among the workings of our own backyard?”

Someone clean that mirror we look in everyday…

Seems I was far from alone in my meanderings about the 4th of July!

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Our Tiny Russian Village yard is full of birdbrains. We have four nests around the yard and now we have little monkey birds learning to fly all over the place. You have to be careful as you work in the yard, for the little guys and gals are all friendly and flying like scud missiles with  out any control at all. I have been close shaved a half dozen times as they zigzag across the yard. It is really cool to watch the little ones learn to fly…

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I cannot keep up eating all the strawberries that we have. If I ate them all, my blood sugar would go so far off the scale, I would be bedridden. But they are sure good. Gotta weed the patch and eat some more today. What a terrible issue to have to deal with… 😉

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Russia is becoming a agriculture powerhouse. I am simply amazed at the progress that has been made to implement a self-contained agriculture system. It has far exceeded what Russians could dream of and has now flowed outwards, as Russia starts to sell agriculture products to the world. I remember when things got slightly tight and people had a few months of grumbles about missing products and missing specialty items of food and such. Everything has become replaced and exceeded in quality…

One thing I have noticed is that countries that did not follow the USA lead of sanctions, have become huge exporters to Russia and that my friend is what it is all about. The world is a big place and makes a bunch of products all over it. The world is not a handful of western countries…

That brings up an interesting thing I see constantly from the past and present and foreseeable future. The west loves to make themselves feel superior by down talking much of the world…

All you hear and see is finger pointing and slight remarks about third world countries, developing nations and backwards societies. Fingers always seem to point at Russia and China as the main targets, but lots of little countries are included in that finger pointing…

Well, I hate to tell you this, but Russia is growing and they have 100 fold increased their manufacturing capacity, not to even mention the 100 fold increase in agriculture…

Kinda fun to watch it all happen and an interesting thing! So many European countries have bought into Russia, just so they can bypass sanctions. I am stunned at who is building factories, warehouses and such. But I have talked about this many times right here on this website…

Crank up those sanctions Western Empire! You are sealing your demise…. In more ways than one…. Sanctions are an act of war and thus it is why they are used. To try to create war. Empires thrive on war, war and more war. Well at least when they are dying…

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As important as natural resources are? Why the hell do countries sell them to everyone else and not utilize them for their own people. Yes Russia included…. Just like the US fracking bull#$%^. What is the deal with trying to send very limited resources out of America and deplete the supply there? Russia the same thing to you!

Oh I know why! That damn dollar and or what ever is used to buy and sell oil, gas and whatsoever. Therefore, lets change the game and keep the resources that are in short supply, yet necessary to keep your country in good shape, many years down the road. Seems stupid to send the abundance of gas across the ocean, pipelines to Europe, apples to whoever, when they could be allowing the people back home to have literally free fuel, food, whatever to heat and cook with. Makes sense, unless you only care about money…

Maybe that is it?


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Does anyone stop and contemplate?

Have a nice day…