Life dragging you down?

Time to sit down, cut the chains and sip a good cup of coffee and or tea…

Then get up and get our act together, toss the scum out of our lives and get off our ass, pull up our boot straps and tighten the belt. Then support ourselves and family the good ole fashion way. By hard work…

I tell you what…

America needs a huge ass, “Barn Raising…”

A barn raising, also historically called a raising bee or rearing in the U.K., is a collective action of a community, in which a barn for one of the members is built or rebuilt collectively by members of the community. Barn raising was particularly common in 18th- and 19th-century rural North America. A barn was a necessary structure for any farmer, for example for storage of cereals and hay and keeping of animals. Yet a barn was also a large and costly structure, the assembly of which required more labor than a typical family could provide. Barn raising addressed the need by enlisting members of the community, unpaid, to assist in the building of their neighbors’ barns. Because each member was entitled to recruit others for help, the favor would eventually return to each participant.

I have actually helped at five actual barn raising situations in my life. Plus a whole bunch more raising businesses off the ground. But America needs a good ole grass root barn raising…. We need to build one huge ass barn and store our beginnings again in that. The old barn has become too top heavy and is going to fall over. Actually we have built a house of cards and there is a strong wind blowing our way. Build a new strong barn!

I know, I know! Use the iPhone to drive the nails…. It is all Russia’s fault…. Damn Russians…

Have a nice day and enjoy your coffee and or tea…