They Say That Sammy The Volga is Done…

Today at 3 p.m. I am suppose to pick up Sammy the Volga?


Do I believe?

Not sure, for it is Russia and I will believe when it happens. Since many Russians are not driven by the same gods as are Americans! Things are always, “Tomorrow!”

Therefore, today (Cегодня – – Cegodnya), never means a possible yesterday (вчера – – vchera), but it always means tomorrow (завтра – – zavtra)…. Furthermore, tomorrow most likely means, more than a few tomorrows, before the next day is actually accomplished…

I make the villagers laugh! For when we talk of tomorrow? I say, “zavtra, zavtra, zavtra………..”

They understand what I mean, for tomorrow is always another day and another adventure, thus, that new day and adventure may get in the way of accomplishing anything promised the day before. For that was the past and since Russians live in the now, the past is less important than life at that moment. Heaven forbid if we talk about the future! For life is now and the gods have not laid thee actual stones for the future yet and things change…

So I pick up Sammy today, but “zavtra, zavtra, zavtra………..” 😉

It really is okay and eleven years later, since I first came to Russia, I can smile about it!
