We ate mushrooms and ate mushrooms…

Svetochka cleaned mushrooms and I cooked mushrooms. Then we both ate mushrooms until we almost popped…

No Boza did not eat mushrooms…

We had mushroom wraps, crackers and mushrooms, just mushrooms and mushrooms anything else you could image. In Russia when it is mushroom season, you eat them while they are hot, so to say…

I finally finished the car and all the little stuff to do on it yesterday. I also waxed it and she is beautiful. Sammy the Volga is a proud girl…

We decided not to paint the house yesterday and let the wood dry better from the rains. Today it will rain tonight, so we will paint this morning. Time to finish the back wall, just like we finished the Volga. Never ending in the amount of work to do in the Tiny Russian Village…

Strange how we in the Tiny Russian Village are worrying about mushrooms, painting and other trivial things. And…. my country is hopping around like an idiot over North Korea and wanting Russian and China to attack and curtail NK…

Stupid is as Stupid does…

I think I will go paint the house and hope that America, “no not North Korea”, does not start a damn war or something stupid. Yes the issue is not NK, it is America and all we hear around the world right now is whine, whine and more whine…

America: The president whines, the government whines, the states whine, the media whines, the people whine and lately the weather whines…. Everything is whinnying (no that is the correct word) about something or another…

You all need to go pick mushrooms or something or another…. Leave the rest of the world alone…

It is not our fault!