Boza up early and Coffee Time…

2:30 a.m. and Boza heard me stir…

That was enough for him to pop out from under Sveta’s side of the bed and wiggle his butt as his tail wagged so hard, you would have thought it would fall off. How can you resist such a happy boy?

Therefore, I growled and grumbled, then I got up and stumbled! Within a few minutes, Boza and I were outside and walking the streets of our city. It is so wonderful to walk at 3 a.m. and I find it easy to forgive Boza for waking me up. I am a light sleeper and the second he comes out from under the bed, 99% of the time I am wide awake, even if grouchy…

It was about 10 degrees out and the wind was blowing. It was very pleasant to say the least and we walked about one hour. We met no one and nothing. It was like walking in the Tiny Russian Village, except tall buildings instead of tall trees to walk around…

We got home and Boza beelines for under Svetochka’s side of the bed and went back to sleep. That does not work for me, for the cool air and long walk wakes me up and that is that…. Thus, here I am at 4 a.m. and thinking about writing on the blog…

I have a million things to say, but I keep my mouth shut about lots of stuff that I know about and have experienced in my life. Much of what I could talk about, would really piss off some people. I had a general ask me politely to keep much of my past, just that, Past…

So I walk along this morning and some of that past walks with me…

I realized that being alive is good. I am lucky to be here on this planet. I am lucky to still be alive. But the past still haunts me. I am lucky also, that time heals, erases partly and eases the pain of just about anything. I mean anything…

You still live with it…

We all have choices to make…

Some choices are good and some bad, but no choice is perfect. Everyday life is a divergence of paths. You have a million, no billion, no literally trillions of different ways to change your life and its paths. Even the most mundane of us have decisions to make, even the decision to make no decision is a path you chose to follow…. You had many other ways to diverse, instead of stagnate…

There are times I replay my life. I think about how I stepped to the right, instead of the left as I was running in a firefight and found that if I had carried forth with my leftward movements, I would be dead…. I call that, “My guardian angel at work!”

I made a choice to come to Russia. That was a path I could have taken at the time I made it. It was a choice based on thousands of different things that influenced the decision, but regardless, it was my choice and path to come to Russia…

The paths available to me were endless! I remember, as I thought about what to do? Life was laid out like a flat board and from where I stood all you had to do was image a line (string) going from your feet to the never ending distance and out of sight. Just keep putting strings and watch them disappear into the distance. Each one is a path…

These paths cross other paths. These paths are made up of humans and a million, million other things to interrelate with…

Some believe that our paths are set in stone. What is, is what is. We cannot change our paths…

Some believe that we have total control over our paths…

I believe that each path, the trillions of variances in the way forward, are all playing out at the same time. That each path is progressing and we play out life unknown to the other path, a trillion times. The path we think we are on, we actually are on that path. Some paths lead to early death, some lead to riches and fame, some lead to hell itself and some lead to heaven. But every path is progressing separately, as you progress within the path you are in now…

We live a finite existence within a infinite universe…

Nothing is finite. Just finite in the sense that we perceive it. We are very self-limiting and thus, hurt ourselves to develop spiritually and have lost our eutierria…. Technology seems to be what our genetics is geared for, not love of our planet. We are a vicious animal on this beautiful planet we call Earth…

Since we can only seem to accept what is in front of our eyes and basic senses, we see only a finite existence. If we could see the infinite in all around us? We would find that we are tiny indeed and not as grandiose as we perceive we are…

I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence. Everything that surrounds us- everything that exists – proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision. — Thomas A. Edison

I wish to see the infinite, the impossible, the other paths, the other worlds. I wish to be able to walk upon another planet. See another star, overshadowing another world and to see life not from this world…

Maybe one of my paths is taking me there, as I sit here and write this article?