-7 and crystal clear outside…

There are five of us in the Tiny Russian Village. Soon there will be only two in the village. This is really a tiny place. Boza and I love to walk early in the morning, right now it is 3 a.m. and we got up at 2 a.m. to walk. Boza needed his medicine for his eyes and then we always walk. The moon is full and we can walk without a flashlight, that is a pleasure and makes for spooky walking…

In the nearby villages, the dogs were barking and Boza loves to listen as they exchange words of wisdom. He never joins in, but he listens…. and he seems to understand what is said. It is in doggy talk and he seems to be following the conversation. First one village barks and then the other in response. Kind of cool to be honest…. Boza turns his head back and forth as a different village talks in doggy barks…

I will only have a very short post. I am almost out of data traffic and need to replenish it. Therefore, I will be short…

Yesterday I fell and cracked my rib cage. Looks like I fractured a rib on the left side. I have the purple tale tale line of a fracture. All good, it will be my sixth broken rib in my life. You could say I am use to them in a way…. But in a few days all will be good, just take it easy, don’t breath deep, don’t sneeze and definitely do not cough…. Oh well life has been much worse for me…. LOL…. Oh and do not laugh…

Wisdom for the day…

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. – Lewis Carroll

Have a nice day…